English Grammar Class 12 Indirect Speech

English Grammar Class 12 Indirect Speech
  1. Reported Speech
  •   બે કે તેથી વધુ વ્યક્તિ વચ્ચે થયેલી વાતચીત ને કોઈપણ ફેરફાર સિવાય તેમનાં જ શબ્દોમાં, અવતરણ ચિન્હોમાં રજુ કરવામાં આવે તો તે રજુઆતને Direct speech (પ્રત્યક્ષ કથન) કહેવાય છે.
  • બે કે તેથી વધુ વ્યક્તિ વચ્ચે થયેલી વાતચીતને તેના મૂળ ભાવાર્થને જાળવીને તેજ સંવાદને અન્ય વ્યક્તિ સમક્ષ રજુ કરવામાં આવે તો તેને Indirect speech (પરોક્ષ કથન) કહેવાય છે. દા.ત.

Direct : Kuldip said “Shivani, I am going to Puna”.

Indirect : Kuldip told Shivani that he was going to Puna.

 Direct speech નાં વાક્યોને Indirect speech માં ફેરવતી વખતે વિવિધ ફેરફાર કરવામાં આવે છે. જે નીચે ઉદાહરણ સાથે સમજાવવામાં આવ્યો છે.

 R.V. અને સંયોજકમાં ફેરફાર

સામાન્ય રીતે  Direct speech માં  Reporting Verb ‘said’ તરીકે આપવામાં આવ્યું હોય છે. વિધાનના પ્રકારને અનુલક્ષીને R.V. માં ફેરફાર થાય તેમજ Direct વિધાનનું Indirect વિધાનમાં રૂપાંતર કરતી વખતે જે સંયોજકનો ઉપયોગ થાય છે તે પણ વિધાનના  પ્રકારને આધારે થાય છે. R.V, તેમજ સંયોજક વિધાનનાં પ્રકાર મુજબ શું મુકાય તે નીચેનાં કોઠામાં દર્શાવ્યું છે.

No.   વિધાનનો પ્રકાર                                     R.V

1.Assertive sentence.                        • said/told

  1. Interrogative sentence.                 • asked
  1. Exclamatory sentence.                 • exclaimed
  • exclaimed with joy
  • exclaimed with sorrow
  • exclaimed with surprise
  1. Imperative sentence.                   • request( વિનંતી)
  • order(હૂકમ)
  • suggested(સૂચન)
  • advised(સલાહ)



If / whether (જો to be, have, do કે modal auxi વડે પ્રશ્ન પૂછ્યો હોય)

‘wh’ (જો wh સર્વનામ વડે પ્રશ્ન પૂછ્યો હોય e.g, what, how..)




ઉપર દર્શાવ્યા પ્રમાણે વિધાનના પ્રકારને આધારે તેમના R.V. માં ફેરફાર થાય છે અને તે મુજબ જ સંયોજક મુકવામાં આવે છે. Direct speech નુ  Indirect speech માં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે વિધાનના પ્રકાર મુજબ R.V. તેમજ સંયોજક ની

સાથે સાથે બીજા પણ કેટલાક ફેરફાર કરવામાં આવે છે. વિધાનનાં અલગ-અલગ પ્રકારનું Indirect speech રૂપાંતર કરતી વખતે કઈ બાબતોમાં ફેરફાર થાય છે તે વિગતવાર અહીં રજૂ કરવામાં આવેલ છે.

  1. Tense મા ફેરફાર

Direct speech  નું indirect speech  મા રૂપાંતર કરવા નીચે દર્શાવ્યા પ્રમાણે Tense ને લગતા ફેરફાર થાય.

am / is – was.                            

are – were 

have / has-had

do not / does not- did not

was / were-had + P.P.

did not -had not + P.P.

can- could

will / shall – would

may – might

સાદો વર્તમાન (play) – સાદો ભૂતકાળ (played)

સાદો ભૂતકાળ (played)- પૂર્ણ ભૂતકાળ (had played)

 Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

  1. He said “He is busy”.

He said that he was busy.

  1. He said “He went home”.

He said that he had gone home.

3.He said “He did not like Punjabi food”.

He said that he had not liked Punjabi food.

4.He said “He will go out”.

He said that he would go  out.

5.He said “He play cricket every Sunday”.

He said that he played cricket every Sunday.

Exercises-1 :

  1. Parth said, “She makes tasty Gulabjamboos.”

2.Disha said, “He went to Surat.”

  1. Yug said, “Abhik will drive his car.”
  1. I said, “I am learning English.”
  1. Khushi said, “she was cooking for an hour.”
  1. Raj said, “The teacher does not teach in Gujarati.”
  1. Vidhi said, “She has solved the paper.”

8.Rakesh said, “They had informed him earlier.”

  1. Brinda said, “He did not eat his food.”
  1. Vikas said, “Jay may telephone her.”
  1. Mala said, “There are many clever boys in the class.”
  1. Arvinbhai said, “It was wrong message.
  1. Palak said, “Payal can drive a car.”
  1. I said, “I do not watch TV regularly.”
  1. We said, “We have a nice school.”
  1. નિશ્ચિત શબ્દોમાં ફેરફાર (નિકટતા તેમજ સમય સૂચક શબ્દો)

નિકટતા તેમજ સમયસૂચક શબ્દો કે જે Direct નું Indirect માં રૂપાંતર કરતી વખતે નિશ્ચિત રીતે ફેરફાર થાય છે, તે નીચે જણાવેલ છે.

this- that.                            today – that day

these-those.                       tonight- that night 

here-there.                         yesterday- the day before/

                                                  the previous day       

now- then

                                             tomorrow- the next day/

thus- so.                                  the following day.

ago – before

નોંધ :-  ઉપર દર્શાવેલા શબ્દોમાં ઉલટો ફેરફાર થતો નથી. દા. ત., that  નું that જ રાખવું, this ન થાય.

 Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

  1. He said “This is his pen”.

He said that that  was his pen.

  1. He said “Arti will come tomorrow“.

He said that Arti will come the next day.

3.He said “Kinju came yesterday“.

He said that Kinju had come the previous day.

4.He said “It is here“.

He said that it was there.

  1. He said “He is reading now“.

He said that he was reading than.

Exercise-2 :

  1. I said, “This is my village.”
  1. We said, “We are going to home now.”
  1. Janki said, “Today is a holiday.”
  1. Ved said, “He saw a movie yesterday.”
  1. Labhy said, “These are the sweetest fruits.”
  1. Nilesh said, “Daxa will buy a new sari tomorrow.”,
  1. Dhiren said, “She was working here.”
  1. Bhavana said, “There lived a great boxer 10 years ago.”
  1. Jigar said, “He will finish his painting to night.”
  1. Students said, “English is very easy now.”
  1. Pooja said, “Dipesh was insulted yesterday.”
  1. Akhil said, “Results are declared today.”
  1. Keni said, “Feni was trying to find answers.”
  1. Bina said, “Children are playing now.”
  1. Vinu said, “She will finish this project tomorrow.
  1. Pronoun (સર્વનામ) માં ફેરફાર :

Direct Speech નુ Indirect Speech માં રૂપાંતર કરતી વખતે સૌથી વધુ મુંઝવણ સર્વનામનાં ફેરફાર કરવામાં થાય છે.મિત્રો  બોલનાર અને સાંભળનાર કોણ છે તે બાબતે વાર્તાલાપ’ પરથી નક્કી કરીને બોલનાર તેમજ સાંભળનારને આધારે Direct speech માં આપેલા Pronoun માં ફેરફાર કરવા. નીચે તેની સમજણ આપેલ છે.

  • I,My, Me, ને બોલનાર કર્તા પ્રમાણે ફેરવવા

(દા.ત. બોલનાર પુરુષ હોય તો he, his, him, સ્ત્રી હોય તો she, her, her અને બોલનાર કર્તા  બહુવચનમાં હોય તો l we, our, us નુ they, their, them મા રૂપાંતર કરવું..)

  • You, Your, You ને સાંભળનાર કર્તા પ્રમાણે ફેરવવા

(દા.ત, સાંભળનાર પુરુષ હોય તો he, his, him, સ્ત્રી હોય તો she, her, her અને બોલનાર કર્તા બહુવચનમાં હોય  તો they, their, then માં રૂપાંતર કરવું.)

  • ત્રી.પી.એ.વ./બ.વ, (he, see, they, it) માં કોઇ ફેરફાર ન થાય,

Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

  1. Ajay said “I will meet you here”.

Ajay said that he would meet him there.

  1. Arti said “I am lazy”.

Arti said that she was lazy.

  1. The boys said “We will come tomorrow”.

The boys said that they would come the next day.

  1. He said “This is my pen”.

He said that that was his pen.

  1. Binal said “I will give you my e-mail ID”.

Binal said that she would give him her E-mail ID.

Exercise-3 :

  1. Sudha said, “I am happy here.”

2.Madhav said, “I have finished my work.”

  1. Boys said, “We want to play Antaxari.”
  1. Kajal said, “This is one of the most important books for me.”
  1. Manoj said, “We are going to buy our new house.”
  1. My mother said, “I do not like to talk rudely.”
  1. Savan said, “I will buy a new sari for my mother tomorrow.”
  1. Prakash said to Vina, “I don’t want to talk to you.”
  1. Mit said to Mina, “You can use my things now.”
  1. Mittal said to Yuvraj, “You didn’t take my help yesterday.”
  1. Shivam said to Dhara, “I was trying my best to give you the best result that time.”
  1. Her father said, “I haven’t seen this type of vehicle.”
  1. Bhavya said, “I may join the computer classes.”
  1. Pinal said to Paresh, “We shall visit your city tomorrow.”

15.Samir said to Sima,“ You brought my school dress from laundry.”

ચાલો , મિત્રો આપણે હવે વિવિધ પ્રકારના વિધાનોનું Indirect કેમ થાય તે જોઈએ.

           ASSERTIVE SENTENCE (વિધાન વાક્ય)

આ પ્રકારના વિધાનનું Indirect માં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.

  •   R.V. તરીકે said to ને બદલે told મુકાય.
  •   જો જવાબ આપવાના સ્વરૂપમાં રૂપાંતર કરવું હોય તો said ને બદલે replied કે answered પણ મુકી શકાય.
  • સંયોજક તરીકે that મુકાય.
  • સર્વનામ, કાળ, નીકટતા દર્શાવતા શબ્દોમાં ફેરફાર અગાઉ દર્શાવ્યા મુજબ કરવા.

Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

  1. Rajeshbhai said “Paresh has come here”.

Rajeshbhai said that Paresh had gone there.

2.Hitesh said to Maya “I did not give you my e-mail ID

Hitesh told Maya that he had not given her his e-mail ID.

  1. She said “I will help her”.

She said that she would help her.

4.Maya said “I don’t like your nature, Tara”.

Maya told Tara that she did not like her nature,

5.Kuldip said to Shivani “We will go to Saputara”,

Kuldip told Shivani that they would go to Saputara.

Exercise-4 :

  1. Rajesh said to Kalpana, “You have made my life very happy.”
  1. Harsha said to Dhiren, “Things you bought yesterday are not good.”
  1. Gopi said to Gopal, “We don’t want to take anything from you.”
  1. Abhik said to Manvi, You are a good girl, so you will do this work for me.”
  1. Prachi said to Shlok, You always hide my things.”

6.Rahul said to Rita, “You look beautiful today.”

7.Hina said to Jayesh, “Your car is very costly but I don’t like it.”

  1. Avani said to Shailesh, “I shall come to your house tomorrow.”
  1. Shital said to me, “You have changed my mind after our meeting.”
  1. Nailesh said to Asha, “We are the happiest couple in the world now.”
  1. Pankaj said to Nisha, “You didn’t show me your photo last night.”
  1. Jyoti said to you. You can contact me if you have any trouble.”
  1. Sita said to Ram, “I will accompany you if you want.”
  1. I said to you, “You can’t take my anything without my permission.”

15.Diya said. “Darpit, “We are friends now.


          INTERROGATIVE SENTENCE ( પ્રશ્નાર્થ વાક્ય)

 Interrogative પ્રકારના વિધાનનું Indirect માં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.

  • R.V. તરીકે asked મુકવું.
  • સંયોજક તરીકે જો પ્રશ્ન સહાયક ક્રિયાપદ (to be, have, do કે modal) વડે પૂછ્યો  હોય તો if / whether મુકવુ. પરંતુ જો પ્રશ્ન wh પ્રશ્નાર્થ સર્વનામ જેવા કે (when, where, how વગેરે) પૂછ્યો હોય તો સંયોજક તરીકે જે તે ‘wh’

પ્રશ્નાર્થ મુકવું.

  • પ્રશ્નાર્થ વાક્યનું વિધાન વાક્યમાં રૂપાંતર કરવું.
  • સર્વનામ, કાળ, નિકટતા દર્શાવતા શબ્દોમાં ફેરફાર અગાઉ દર્શાવ્યા મુજબ કરવા.

  Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

  1. Satish said to Urvashi “Can you bring my bag?

    Satish asked Urvashi if she could bring his bag.

2.Suresh said “Do you read for a while?”

Suresh asked if he read for a while.

  1. Nilesh said to Tina “Where are you going?”

    Nilesh asked Tina where she was going.

4.Kinjal said to Meghana “How are you?”

  Kinjal asked Meghana how she was.

5.Shivani said to Jayshree “Where is our uncle?”

   Shivani asked Jayshree where their uncle was.

   Exercises-5 :

1.Jay said to Shital, “Are you going to USA without me now?

2.Parth said to Kavya, “Have you sent my message to your father?”

  1. Dhiren said to Kalpana, “Why did you not attend the function at my new home?
  1. Bhupatbhai said to Shetu, “What is your problem?”
  1. Anil said, “Mita, where are my books. Which I bought yesterday?
  1. Manivi said to Khushi, “Where will you study the next year?”
  1. Manan said to Mann, “When do you get up daily?”
  1. Anjali said to Kavach, “Do you like to play with me?”

9.Heli said to Rajeshbhai, “What did you buy for me from your first salary?”

  1. Sumanbhai said to Pragna, “Can you help me to solve my problem?”
  1. I said to Bhoomi, “How long have you been reading my personal diary?”
  1. Jayshree said to me, “Have you remembered me for once during these years?
  1. Yug said to Sudha, “What can I do for you now?
  1. Mr. Patel said to the students, “Why are you wasting too much time at present.
  1. Khushboo said to her brother, “When will I teach you my

favourite subject?”.

     EXCLAMATORY SENTENCE (ઉદૃગાર વાક્ય)

Exclamatory Sentence આશ્વર્ય દર્શાવવા માટે વપરાય છે. આવા વાક્યની શરૂઆત what, how જેવા શબ્દો જેવા  શબ્દ કે on, hurrah, alas જેવા ઉદ્ગારવાચક શબ્દોથી થતી હોય છે. આવા ઉદ્ગાર વાક્યનું indirect માં રૂપાંતર કરવા નીચે દર્શાવ્યા મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.

  •   R.V. તરીકે said to ને બદલે exclaimed મૂકવું. (જો આ વિધાન માત્ર what  કે how વાળું હોય તો )
  •   જે ઉદ્દગાર વિધાન oh ,hurrah, alas જેવા શબ્દો વડે શરૂ થાય તો અનુક્રમે exclaimed with surprise, exclainlmed with joy, exclaimed with sorrow મુકવું. આમ,કરતી વખતે oh ,hurrah, કે alas જેવા  શબ્દો દૂર કરવા.

સંયોજક તરીકે that મુકવું.

  • ઉદ્દગાર વિધાનનું સાદા વિધાનમાં રૂપાંતર કરવું.
  • સર્વનામ, કાળ, નીકટતા દર્શાવતા શબ્દોમાં ફેરફાર અગાઉ દર્શાવ્યા મુજબ કરવા.

Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

1.The Porter said “What a heavy bag this is!”

The Porter exclaimed that that was really a very heavy bag.

  1. The king said “How happy I am!”

The king exclaimed that he was very happy.

  1. Dhoni said “Hurrah, we have won the match!”

Dhoni exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

  1. We said “Alas, the principal is no more!”

We exclaimed with sorrow that the principal was no more.

  1. The Merchant said “Oh, this is with you!”

The Merchant exclaimed with surprise that that was with him.

Exercises-6 :The Merchant exclaimed with surprise that that was with him.

1.Abhik said to Apexa, “How beautiful you are looking in this dress now!”

2.Jinal said, “Alas ! I have lost my father.”

3 Prachi said to Shlok, “Bravo ! you have solved the puzzle.”

4.Sanket said to sandhya, “What a beautiful sari you have bought today.”!

  1. Ankita said, “How happy I am here.”

6.A mother said to his little son, “How dirty !”

  1. A coolie said, “How heavy this bag is !”
  1. Shubham said, Oh God! I have forgotten my notebook once 


  1. I said to Shital, “What a memorable gift you have given to me !”
  1. Dhaval said, “What an unlucky day for me !”
  1. A visitor said, “Wow ! What a scene !”
  1. The teacher said to Paresh, “What a dull boy you are !”
  1. Anjali said, ” Hurrah ! I’ve won the competition.”
  1. Saloni said to Anand, “Oh ! I have broken your spectacles by mistake.”
  1. Ruchit said to Zarna, “How sweet you speak about me!”.

    IMPERATIVE SENTENCE ( આજ્ઞાર્થ વાક્ય )

Imperative Sentence ની શરૂઆત સામાન્ય રીતે Please. Kindly જેવા શબ્દથી થતી હોય છે. વિધાનમાં પ્રથમ જો ક્રિયાપદ નું રૂપ આપ્યું હોય કે, Don’t પછી તરત જ  ક્રિયાપદના રૂપ આપ્યું હોય તો આવા વિધાન આજ્ઞાર્થ વિધાન હોય છે. દા.ત. Please help me, Kindly do this work, Don’t write with left hand, Read maximum English, etc. આ પ્રકારના  indirect માં રૂપાંતર કરવા નીચેની બાબતો ધ્યાનમાં લેવી.

  • R.V. તરીકે  આજ્ઞાર્થ વિધાન નો  ભાવ સમજીને requested, ordered, suggested, advised મુકવા.
  • સંયોજક તરીકે to મૂકવું.  
  • જો આજ્ઞાર્થ વિધાન નિષેધ હોય તો not to મુકવું.
  • સર્વનામ, કાળ, નીકટતા દર્શાવતા શબ્દોમાં ફેરફાર અગાઉ દર્શાવ્યા મુજબ કરવા.

Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

  1. Paresh sir said to the students “Open your English book”.

Paresh sir suggested the students to open their English book.

2.The principal said “Please help me,Mr.Oza”.

The principal requested Mr.oza to help him.

  1. The traffic police said “Don’t park your car here”.

   The traffic police ordered not to park his car there.

  1. “Tell me your name and address” said Durga.

Durga requested to tell her his name and address.

  1. The doctor said “Take medicine on time”.

  The doctor advised to take medicine on time.


  1. The colonel said to the soldiers, “Fire
  1. My father said to me, ” Don’t waste your precious time.”
  1. Pankti said to Sahil, “Please, give me your full support to win the election.”
  1. Viraj said to Harshit, “Sit silently or I will punish you.”
  1. Akash said to Dharati, “Kindly tell me the answers of these questions.”
  1. Khyati said to her friend, “Don’t behave rudely to your parents.”
  1. The teacher said to the students, “Show me your notes one by one.”
  1. A doctor said to Ashokbhai, “Take this medicine regularly 


  1. The Principal said to a peon, “Close the doors of all the classrooms.”
  1. A blind man said, “Please, help me reach my home.”
  1. Kavya said to her mother, “Let me cook now.”
  1. My neighbour said to me, “Let me park my car near your 

house today.”

  1. The manager said to his clerk, “Type these letters urgently.”
  1. Rima said to her teacher, “Let Diya go home with me sir.”
  1. Nirali said to Nirav, “Don’t call me or I will complain about you.”

      LET વાળા વિધાન

Let વાળા વિધાનનું indirect speech મા રૂપાંતર નીચે દર્શાવ્યા મુજબ કરાય.

  1. The boy said to his friend, “Let us go out”


-The boy suggested his friend that they should go out.


-The boy suggested his friend to go out.

Examples : Study the following examples and mark the differences.

  1. My friend said to me “let me give my pen”.

My friend suggested me to let him give his pen.

  1. Anju said “Let’s thank our boss”.

Anju suggested to thank their boss.

  OPTATIVE SENTENCE (ઈચ્છાદર્શક વાક્ય)

વાતચીત કરતી વખતે આ પ્રકારના વાક્યો વચ્ચે આવે છે જેમકે good morning, wish you best luck, congratulations, good night, wish you happy day… આ પ્રકારના વાક્યોને R.V. તરીકે wished મૂકીને indirect

મા રૂપાંતર કરવા

Examples : Study the following sentences.

  1. Amita said “Thank you, sir”.

Amita thanked her sir.

2.Arti said “Wish you best luck, Ami”

Arti wish best luck to Ami.

  1. Ajay said “Congratulation, Ami”.

Ajay congratulated Ami.

  1. Amisha said “Good morning, Mr. Patel”.

Amisha wished good morning to Mr. Patel.

Note:- Good bye કે Good night k  bye હોય તો R.V. તરીકે bade’ આવે..

Tina “Good night, mother”.

Tina bade her mother good night.

Exercises-8 :

  1. Abhik said to his father, “Let’s visit Kashmir in this vacation.”
  1. Pooja said, “Welcome, Uncle.”
  1. Shlok said to Manan, “Wish you a very happy new year.”
  1. Prachi said to Kavach, “Thank you for your guidance.”
  1. Deepak said to Arati, “Congratulation for getting a job.”
  1. Karmesh said to Krupa, “Let us have some breakfast now.”
  1. A saint said to Kailasben, “May you live long.”
  1. My friends said to me, “Many many happy returns of the day.”
  1. Mrs. Desai said to me, “Have a good day.”
  1. All the students said to their English teacher, “Good noon, Sir.”
  1. Suhani said to Ishan, “I pray to God for your progress.”
  1. Swamiji said to me, “May God bless you.”
  1. Kinjal said to Krunal, “Good bye”.
  1. Payal said to Bhavik, “Let us play antaxari.”
  1. Kavach said to Heli, “Wish you best luck for your exam.”


 વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્રો ,તમને પરીક્ષામાં Paragraph (ફકરા) નું  Indirect speech મારુ 15 કરવાનું હોય છે આ પ્રકરણમાં Direct speech નું Indirect speech માં રૂપાંતર કરવાના વિવિધ નિયમો તમે જોઈ ગયાં. અલગ-અલગ પ્રકારનાં વિધાનોનું Indirect કેમ થાય તે પણ નિયમો તેમજ ઉદાહરણ દ્વારા તમે જોઈ ગયા.અહીં તમને એક ફકરો આપવામાં આવશે અને તે Direct speech  ના ફકરાનું તમારે Indirect speech માં રૂપાંતર કરવાનું હોય છે જેમાં કેટલીક બાબતોને ધ્યાનમાં રાખવી પડશે જે નીચે ઉદાહરણ સહ દર્શાવેલ છે.

ફકરાનું Indirect speech મા રૂપાંતર કરવાના નિયમો:- 

  1. ટૂંકા પ્રશ્નો , ટૂંકા વાક્યો તેમજ ટૂંકા જવાબો અને પૂરા વાક્યમાં લખવા. વાતચીત ની ભાષામાં બોલનાર અને સાંભળનાર સામાન્ય રીતે પ્રશ્નો અને જવાબો કે વાર્તાલાપ  દરમ્યાન ટૂંકા વાક્યનો ઉપયોગ કરે છે. એવા વાક્યો ને indirect માં ફેરવવા તેનો અર્થ સમજીને પૂરા વાક્યમાં લખવો, દા.ત.

Example : 

Boby : “Sanjana, where are you going?

 Sanjana : “Becharaji”.

Boby : “Are you alone?”

Sanjana : “Yes”.  


   Boby asked Sanjana where she was going. Sanjana answered that she was going to Becharaji.Boby asked if she was alone. Sanjana answered positively.

Note : પ્રશ્નનો જવાબ આપતી વખતે R.V. તરીકે  answered તે replied લખવું. જે જવાબમાં Yes હોય તો તેનું indirect કરવા answered positively અને  No’ હોય તો answered negatively કે denied લખવું.

  1. Direct speech માં આવતા Dear, Sir, Madam જેવા શબ્દોનો ભાવ સમજીને lovingly, with respect જેવા શબ્દોમાં ફેરવવા દા.ત.,

Example: Boby said to Sanjana “Madam, we love you”.

Ans. Boby told Sanjana with respect that they loved her.

Example: Boby said to me “Dear, when will you leave the place?”

Ans. Boby asked me lovingly when I would leave the place.

3.એક જ વ્યક્તિ એક જ સંવાદમાં એકથી વધારે વાક્ય બોલે તો દરેક વાક્યને નવા R.V. સાથે ફરીથી લખવા.’

Example: Boby said to Sanjana “How are you?”

Sanjana “I’m fine. I have just come. Where is your sister?”

Ans. Boby asked Sanjana how she was. Sanjana replied that she was fine and added that she had just come. She asked Boby where his sister was.


બોલનાર અને સાંભળનારના નામ વારંવાર લખવાને બદલે તેમની સ્થાને તેમના સર્વનામ (he,she) મૂકી શકાય. જેમ ઉપરના ઉદાહરણમાં Sanjana asked, She replied, She said લખ્યું છે.


1.”How delicious this dish is said Sanjana.

“Do you like it, Boby?

“Yes, who prepared it?” said Boby.

“My mother,” said Sanjana

“Let’s go and thank hor” said Boby


  Sanjana exclaimed to Boby that that dish was very delicious. She asked Boby if he liked it. Boby answered positively and asked her who had prepared it. Sanjana replied him that her mother had prepared it. Boby suggested her to go and thank her.

  1. “How are you” I asked.

“I’m not in hilarious spirits” George answered.

“Is it Tom again?”

“Yes, it is Tom again.”

“Why don’t you chuck him out? You have done everything in the world for him. You must know that he is quite hopeless”.


   I asked George how he was. George answered that he was not in hilarious spirits. I asked him if was Tom again. He agreed with me and replied that it was Tom. I asked him why he did not Chuck him out, I told him that he had done everything in the world for him and added that he must know

that he was quite hopeless.


Exercises-9 : Render into Indirect Speech:

  1. Customer Service Rep: Can you install LOVE?

Customer : I can do that. I’m not very technical but I think I am ready to install now. What do I do first?

Customer Service Rep : The first step is to open you HEART. Have you located your HEART ma’ am?

Customer: Yes I have, but there are several programs running 

right now. Is it okay to install while they are running?

  1.   Customer: I don’t know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?

Customer Service Rep: My pleasure. Go to your Start menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. Do this as many times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM have been completely erased.

Customer: Okay, I’m done. LOVE has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal?

  1.   Customer: So what should I do?

Customer Service Rep: Can you find the directory called “SELF-ACCEPTANCE?

Customer: Yes, I have it.

CSR: Excellent, you are getting good at


Customer: Thank you.

  1.   What kind of a deal did you make, kid?” I asked.

“We haven’t got a deal.” Walt admitted. “The distributor copy righted Oswald.”

Walt did not seem down hearted, “Were going to start a new series.” He enthused.

“It’s about a mouse and this time we’ll own the mouse.”

“Oh! How adventurous you are! I am proud to be your brother.” I admitted.

  1.   I told him, ‘Nana, let’s go to a salon. You need a haircut.?

I Insisted, If you don’t want to go, then I will call a barber home.”

He did not even bother to look at me this time. He began to shake his head, “No, no, he wil kill me. He does not like my hair cut short… he will never approve!

  1. To one of the numerous questions that Dr Kamble asked him, he said, “This only she can answer.

I will ask her when she comes.

Dr  Kamble shot back, Where has she gone?

The ends of his lips curled up a little in a smile, ‘Oh…. She 

doesn’t really ever tell me her whereabouts.’

  1. The man standing at the door said, “I am Mr.White.” The man on the other side introduced himself

and said, “I’m Sergeant Major Morris.”

“Oh! Welcome Mr.Morris, we have been waiting for you” said Mr. White

“Thanks Mr. White, I’m looking forward to meet you and know about your liking for India.”

“I had like to go to India myself”, he continued to see those old temples and magic but how could I go there?”

  1.   Mrs White demanded the Monkey’s Paw and said, ” I want it.”

“Why?” asked Mr White.

“I only just thought of it. She said hysterically.”

the other two wishes. Why didn’t I think of it before?” she continued.

“What wish?”

Wish our boy alive again. Bring him back” cried the old woman.

  1. while Mrs White was sitting by the fire Mr White asked, “Why is Mr Morris so late? He has told me to come by now.” Mrs White was busy, she said, “Morris has been serving in India so he can’t understand the value of time.”

“Mr White explained, “He always talks about magic in India and is going to bring a Monkey’s Paw with him

“How wonderful it is!” said Mrs White looking at him.

  1. “How selfish men are exclaimed Sojourner, taking a long breath.” They talk about helping women but nobody help me.”

A man from the audience whispers, “Aren’t you helped then? Why they think themselves powerful?

“Yes, you are right.” said Sojourner and asked them, “Ain’t I woman? I give birth to thirteen children and see most of them being sold. Nobody care for me.”

  1. “Why don’t you come to school, Vinod?” asked the teacher.

“Splitting headache, sir” answered the boy.

“Oh, is it so? Take rest.” the teacher patted him and smiled at him.

“Okay, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

“I will check your assignments tomorrow.” said the teacher.


  1. “Come on the ground.” the PT teacher asked us.

“Oh! Again it! Why doesn’t he stay at home?” one of the group murmured.

“He always comes to school.” said the other.

“Sir, Splitting headache!” a few of us said to the PT teacher.

Those who are suffering from headache, raise your hands.” asked the teacher.

“I will give them special treatment.”

  1. “Have you studied in Gujarati medium ?” said the manager of Samsung

“Yes, basically I am from Gujarat,” said Pranav

“Do you feel any difficulty with English ?

“No, from my engineering to my masters I worked on varied fields related to software.”

  1. Ayush said, “Sir, I am feeling uneasy today.”

The teacher said, “You have to practise Yog daily.”

“I am confused. Which exercise should I do ?”

“Beta, you should practise Surya Namskar.”

  1. Shiv : Sir, what are we going to do today?

Shivam : Sir Let’s do something funny.

Teacher: Keep quiet. Today we are going to discuss about domestic animals.

Shiv : That’s so boring!

  1. “Leave the spot. We are going to cut the tree”, said a forest official

“No, we won’t be going away, said a woman

“How foolishly you are talking ! What do you find in tree 2

“The trees are like our children.”

  1. “What was that ?” Mandakini asked Sree tensely.

“What ?” Sree asked.

“That scratching noise in the kitchen. Did you remember to close the back door ?” she asked accusingly.

“This time I heard it too.”

  1. “It’s not that I mind him staving”, said Granny to Rusty, “and I don’t want any money from him either.But it isn’t healthy for a young man to remain idle for so long”.

Is Uncle Ken a young man, Gran ?

“He is forty. Everyone says he’ll improve as he grows up.

“He could go and live with Aunt Mabel”.

  1. Jill : And this is the lounge

Aunt Jane : Charming ! Charming such a cosy little room! And such pretty furniture:

Jack: We like it, you know. Handy place to sit in and listen to the radiogram.

Aunt Jane : Oh, have you got a radio gram as well as a car and a piano?

Jack: Why. of course, Aunt Jane. You simply must have a radio set now a days,

  1. We’ll sit up tonight here” Govinda told his son.

“Here asked the son.

“Yes, here” he said and added “That would be just the right spot for us to keep watch unnoticed.”

“Right father, I suppose it’s the only way for us.”

  1. “Hey Pierre”, Jacques laughed “May be you’ve got the gout, hey ?”

“Yes, Jacques,” replied Pierre uncertainty.

“But as one grows old, legs get tired.”

You should teach the horse to place milk bottles at the front door of your customers,” Jacques

said to him. “He does everything else for you”.

  1. “Do you have today’s newspapers ?” Sonia asked.

“Which one ? Gujarat or Bhaskar ?” Aditya asked.

“Neither, only the Times of India.”

I don’t buy such a newspaper as doesn’t offer any gift.”

Oh !What a poor mentality you possess ! Don’t think of gain in everything.”

23.“ Am I in trouble o some kind ?” asked Mr Rogers.

“No, no, no. Nothing like that. But I have something of great importance to talk to you about.”

“Very well,” came the voice of Mr. Rogers, I wait for you.”

“And Mr. Rogers”, Hogan cautioned, “Please keep quiet about this.”

  1. Congratulations, Yatra on your brilliant success at the higher secondary examination”, said Tirth.

“Thanks, and the same to you, Tirth,” said Yatra.

“What is your career plan for the future?”

“Export business.”

“What an exciting career for the twenty first century !”, said Tirth.

  1. “Buy me some new dresses. Papa.”

“Why? You have got as many as thirty.”

“They are all outdated now. I want some new ones,” Manisha insisted.

“Be ready tomorrow. Il take you for shopping.

  1. “Good morning!, how is your health today?

“Well, it’s improving now, Doctor, when will I get discharge?” asked the patient

“How cager you are!”

“Please doctor, Let me go home now.”

“O.K let me check you last.”

  1. Ila : What’s that you are making, Raju?

Raj : I’m trying to make a model aircraft.

lla : A real airplane that would fly?

Raj : Yes, indeed. It will have regular wings, wheels, a propeller and a tail. But no fuel tank An  eco-friendly plane!

  1. “Don’t you have any milk, coffee, fresh rolls and butter?

asked Atzel.

“No, my lord. In paradise one always eats the same food,” the servant replied.

“Is it already day, or is it still night?”

Atzel asked.

“In paradise there is neither day nor night.”

  1. “Will you buy my hair?” asked Della.

“buy hair,” said Madam, “Take your hat off and let me have a look at it.”

Down came the beautiful brown hair.

“Twenty dollars,” said Madam, lifting the beautiful hair with her experienced hand

Give it to me quickly,” said Della.

  1. “Can I see the manager?” asked.

“Certainly replied the accountant without smiling.

“Are you the manager asked the man in his chamber

“Yes, please come in and take your seat,” he politely

“Thank you very much.”

31, “It’s our duty to help the poor”, said the man.

“How would you like to help them, father?” asked the son.

“Not by giving alms, but by giving them work.”

“What work can we give them in the village?” asked the son.

  1. “All this time I have been waiting to take some work from your hands,” said the man.

“What kind of work would you like?” asked the girl.

“Will you give me one of your pitchers? One that you can spare.”

“A pitcher! Do you want to draw water from the torrent?” she asked.

  1. “Forgive me.” said the bearded man in a weak voice.

“I do not know you and have nothing to forgive you for.” said the king.

You do not know me, but I know you. I am that enemy of yours who swore to revenge himself  on you.”

  1. The king said, “for the last time, I pray you to answer my questions, wise man.”

venge hised

“You have already been answered!” said the hermit.

“How answered ? What do you mean?” asked the king.

“Do you not see?” replied the hermit.

  1. “What is it?”

“Something like a hundred.” I said.

It was one hundred and two,” he said.

“Who said so?”

“The Doctor.”


MARCH 2010

  1. How stuffy it’s here ! I can’t stay here even for a moment,” said Lily.

“But we’ll have to wait here till Mr. Bhatt returns,” said Mr. Patil.

“Oh God! I will die here.”

“Let’s go to the garden and wait for him.”


  1. “How delicious this dish is !” said Rital, “Do you like it, Pragna?”

“Certainly, who prepared this for us, Rital?” said Pragna.

“My Mother,” said rital.

“Let’s go and thank her,” said Pragna.


38.Let’s visit the science exhibition.” Said Nirmal to Nikita.

What a suggestion ! We’ll surely go.

Thank you for accepting my proposal.

Is it worth-visiting ?” asked Nikita.



39.Jack : “Well, she’s gone ! What a tartar I Still she did Live us a bit on account – how much was in

Jill : Ten pounds

Jack : “(with a whistle) phew ! That’s great! we can pay off the next two months on the car with that.”

Jill: “I- I’m afraid we can’t.”


40.Keyur : Hello everybody: good afternoon!

Antish: Good afternoon, Keyur, I think we’re in time, aren’t we?

Keyur : Of course, we are. (Looking at the long queue) But shall we he able to get tickets ?

Aatish : I’m afraid, the possibility is very remote.


41.”Do you have a few minutes to spare ?” said Daisy

“Yes, I do.” said Chandni.

“Would you like to have some tea! It’s ready.”

“No, thanks. I had it a few minutes ago.


42.”Mr Gessler in % said I.

No, not” said he “but we can attend to anything with pleasure. We’ve taken the shop over.”

Yes, yes”, I said, “But Mr Gessler?”

Oh ! Dead” he said.

“Dead ! I received books from him last week.”

MARCH 2016

43.a”What’s the matter, Sunil ?” I said.

“I’ve got a headache.”

“You better go to the bed”.

“No papa, I’m fine.”

“You go to the bed. I’ll see you later on.”

MARCH 2017

  1. “What a nice watch it is! Who bought it for you, Vedant? said Juhi.

“My brother bought it yesterday,” replied Vedant.

“Let me know its price.” said Juhi.

MARCH 2018

  1. Customer : Oops.I have an error message already. What should I do?

CSR. What does the message say?

Customer : It says “Error 412-PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS.”What does that mean?

MARCH 2019

  1. Prakash : How beautiful you look in this dress! From where did you buy it ?

Rita I bought it online.

Prakash: How much did you pay for it ?

Rita : Rs. 2.000/



  1. Parth said that she made tasty Gulab Jamboos..
  1. Disha said that he had gone to Surat.
  1. Yug said that Abhik would drive his car.

4.I said that I was learning English.”

  1. Khushi said that she had been cooking for an hour.
  1. Raj said that the teacher did not teach in Gujarati.

7.Vidhi said that she had solved the paper.

  1. Rakesh said that they had informed him earlier.

9.Brinda said that he had not eaten his food.

  1. Vikas said that Jay might telephone her.
  1. Mala said that there were many clever boys in the class.
  1. Arvinbhai said that it had been wrong message.
  1. Palak said that Payal could drive a car.
  1. I said that I did not watch TV regularly.
  1. We said that we had a nice school.


  1. I said that that was my village.
  1. We said that we were going to home then.
  1. Janki said that that day was a holiday.

4.Ved said that he had seen a movie the previous day.

5.Labhy said that those were the sweetest fruits.

6.Nilesh said that Daxa would buy a new sari the next day.

7.Dhiren said that she had been working there.

  1. Bhavana said that there had lived a great boxer 10 years before.
  1. Jigar said that he would finish his painting that night.
  1. Students said that English was very easy then.
  1. Pooja said that Dipesh had been insulted the previous day.
  1. Akhil said that Results were declared that day.
  1. Keni said that Feni was trying to find the answers.
  1. Bina said that children were playing then.
  1. Vinu said that she would find that project the next day..


  1. Sudha said that she was happy there.

2 Madhay said that he had finished his work.

  1. Boys said that they wanted to play Antaxari.
  1. Kajal said that that was one of the most important books for her
  1. Manoj said that they were going to buy their new house.
  1. My mother said that she didn’t like to talk rudely.

7.Savan said that he would buy a new sari for his mother tomorrow.

  1. Prakash told Vina that he didn’t want to talk to her.
  1. Mit told Mina that she could use his things then.
  1. Mittal told Yuvraj that he had not taken her help the previous day.
  1. Shivam told Dhara that he had been trying his best to give her the best result at that time.
  1. Her father said that he hadn’t seen that type of vehicle.
  1. Bhavya said that he might join the computer classes.
  1. Pinal told Paresh that they would visit his city the next day.
  1. Samir told Sima that she had brought his school dress from laundry.

4 .

1.Rajesh told Kalpana that she had made his life very happy.

2 Harsha told Dhiren that things he had bought the previous day were not good.

3.Gopi told Gopal that they didn’t want to take anything from him.

  1. Abhik told Manvi that she was a good girl so she would do that work for him.
  1. Prachi told Shlok that he always hid her things.
  1. Rahul told Rita that she looked beautiful that day

7.Hina told Jayesh that his car was very costly but she didn’t like it.

  1. Avani told Shailesh that she would go to his house next day.
  1. Shital told me that I had changed her mind after our meeting.
  1. Nailesh told Asha that they were the happiest couple in the world then.
  1. Pankaj told Nisha that she had not shown him her photo 

the previous night.

  1. Jyoti told you that you could contact her if you had any trouble.
  1. Sita told Ram that she would accompany him if he wanted.
  1. I told you that you couldn’t take my anything without my permission
  1. Diya told Darpit that they were friends then.


  1. Jay asked Shital if she was going to USA without him then.

2.Parth asked Kavya if she had sent his message to her father.

3.Dhiren asked Kalpana why she had not attended the function at his new home.

4.Bhupatbhai asked Shetu what her problem. was.

5.Anil asked Mita where his books which he had bought the previous day were.

6.Manivi asked Khushi where she would study the next year.

7.Manan asked Mann when he got up daily.

8.Anjali asked Kavach if he liked to play with her.

9.Heli asked Rajeshbhai what he had bought for her from his first salary.

  1. Sumanbhai asked Pragna if she could help him to solve his problem.
  1. I asked Bhoomi how long she had been reading my personal diary.
  1. Jayshree asked me if I had remembered her for once during those years.
  1. Yug asked Sudha what he could do for her then.
  1. Mr. Patel asked the students why they were wasting too much time at present.

15.Khushboo asked her brother when she would teach him her favorite subject.


1.Abhik exclaimed with praise to Apexa that she was looking very beautiful in that dress the then.

2.Jinal exclaimed with sorrow that she had lost her father.

  1. Prachi exclaimed with praise that he had solved the puzzle.

4.Sanket exclaimed with joy to Sandhya that she had bought a very beautiful sari that day.

5.Ankita exclaimed with joy that she was very happy there.

  1. A mother exclaimed with disgust to his little son that he was very dirty,
  1. A coolie exclaimed with disgust that that bag was very heavy.
  1. Shubham exclaimed with sorrow that he had forgotten his notebook once again.
  1. I exclaimed with joy to Shital that she had given a very memorable gift to me.
  1. Dhaval exclaimed with sorrow that it was a very unlucky day for him.
  1. The Visitor exclaimed with joy that it was a very beautiful scene.
  1. The teacher exclaimed with disgust to Paresh that he was a very dull boy.
  1. Anjali exclaimed with joy that she had won the competition.
  1. Saloni exclaimed with sorrow to Anand that she had broken his spectacles by mistake.
  1. Ruchit exclaimed with joy to Zarna that she spoke very sweet about him.


1.The colonel ordered the soldiers to fire.

  1. My father advised me not to waste my precious time.
  1. Pankti requested Sahil to give her his full support to win the election.
  1. Viraj instructed Harshit to sit silently or he would punish him.
  1. Akash requested Dharati to tell him the answers of those questions.
  1. Khyati advised her friend not to behave rudely to her parents.

7.The teacher ordered the students to show him their notes one by one.

  1. A doctor advised Ashokbhai to take that medicine regularly then.
  1. The Principal ordered a peon to close the doors of all the class-rooms.
  1. A blind man requested to help him reach his home.
  1. Kavya requested her mother to let her cook then.

12 My neighbour requested me to let him park his car near my house that day.

  1. The manager ordered his clerk to type those letters urgently.
  1. Rima requested her teacher to allow Diya to go home with her.
  1. Nirali Instructed wamed Nirav not to call her or she would complain about him.


1.Abhik suggested to his father that they should visit Kashmir in that vacation

  1. Pooja welcomed her Uncle.
  1. Shlok wished Manan a very happy new year.
  1. Prachi thanked Kavach for his guidance.

5.Dipak congratulated Arati for getting a job.

  1. Karmesh proposed Krupa that they should have some breakfast then.
  1. A saint blessed Kailasben that she might live long.
  1. My friends wished me many many happy returns of the day.
  1. Mrs. Desai wished me to have a good day. / that I would have a good day.
  1. All the students wished their English teacher good noon.
  1. Suhani wished Ishan that she prayed to God for his progress.
  1. Swamiji wished me that God might bless me.
  1. Kinjal wished Krunal good bye.
  1. Payal suggested Bhavik to play Antaxari.
  1. Kavach wished Heli best luck for her exam.


  1.   Customer Service Representative asked customer if he could install love. Customer replied to CSR that she could do that. She added that she was not very technical but she thought that she was ready to install them. She asked CSR what she did first. CSR replied to customer that her first step was to open his HEART. He asked her with respect if she had located her HEART Customer replied to customer positively and informed CRS that she had done it but there were several programs running right then. She asked him if it was okay to install while they were running.
  1.   Customer told CSR that she did not know how to turn them off. She asked him if he could tellb her how she could do that. CSR replied to Customer that it would be his pleasure to help her. He suggested her to go to her start menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. He asked her to do that as many times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM had been completely erased. Customer agreed with CSR and said that she had done so. She told him that LOVE had started installing itself automatically. She asked him if that was normal.

3.Customer asked CSR what she should do. CSR asked customer in return if she would find the directory called “SELF-ACCEPTANCE”. Customer replied positively saying that she had it. CSR appreciated him saying that she was excellent and told her that she was getting good at that. On listening her praise customer thanked CSR.

  1. I called him Kid and asked Walt what kind of a deal he had made. Walt replied to me that they hadn’t got a deal and admitted that the distributor has converted Oswald. Walt did not seem down hearted and told me that we had been going to start a new series. He further said that it had been about a mouse and that time we would own the mouse. I am excited and exclaimed with pleasure that he was very adventurous. I admitted that I was proud to be his brother.

5.I suggested Nana to go to a salon because he needed a haircut. Nana looked at me, scandalized by the idea. I insisted that if he didn’t want to go then I would call a barber. He did not even dare to look at me this time. He moved his head in disagreement; and argued that he would kill him and added that he did not like his hair cut short and he would never approve.

  6.To one of the numerous questions that Dr Kamble asked him he replied that it was the only answer and added that he would ask her when she came. The doctor asked where she had gone. The ends of his lips curled up a little in a smile and further told that she didn’t really even tell him her


  1. The man standing at the door told the man on the other side that he was Mr White. The man on the other side introduced himself saying that he was Sergeant Major Morris. Mr White welcomed Mr.Morris with pleasure and told that they were waiting for him. Mr Morris thanked Mr White and told him that he was looking forward to meet him and to know his liking for India. Mr White told Mr Morris that he had liked to go to India himself. He further said that he would like to see those

old temples and magic. He asked Mr Morris how he could go there.

  1. Mrs White demanded the Monkey’s Paw and so she told Mr White that she wanted it, Mr White suddenly asked her why she wanted it. She told fim hysterically that she only just thought of it .She further told him that she could ask for the other two wishes and asked herself why she had not thought of it before.  Mr White asked her what wish She wanted to ask for. Mrs White replied to him that she wished that their son became alive again and she requested him to bring him back.
  1. While Mrs White was sitting by the fire Mr White asked her why Mr Morrise was so late. He informed her that he had told him to come by then. Mrs White was busy. She told Mr White that Mr Morris had been serving in India. So he could not understand the value of time. Hearing the value of time.

Hearing this Mr White exclaimed that he always talked about magic in India and was going to bring a Monkey’s Paw with him. Looking at Mr White. Mrs White exclaimed to him that it was really wonderful.

  1. Sojourner taking a long breath exclaimed that men were very selfish. She further said that they talked about helping women but nobody helped her. A man from the audience asked slowly if she was not  helped then why they thought themselves powerful. Sojourner replied him positively that he was right and asked them if she was not a woman. She added that she gave birth to thirteen children and saw most of them being sold. She regretted that nobody cares for her.
  1. The teacher asked Vinod why he did not come to school. Vinod replied the teacher that he was sufferingb from extreme headache. The teacher patted him showing sympathy, smiled at him and asked with surprise if it was so. He asked him to take rest. Vinod assured the teacher with respect that he would

take rest and thanked him. The teacher told him that he would check his assignments the next day.

  1. The PT teacher asked us to come on the ground. One of the group did not like this so he murmured with surprise that against they had to go on ground. He asked why he did not stay at home. The other boy said that he always came to school. A few of us exclaimed to PT teacher that they were

suffering from headache. Listening to this excuse PT teacher ordered them to raise their hands were suffering from headache. He further said that he would give them special treatment.

  1. The manager of Samsung asked Pranav if he had studied in Gujarati medium. Pranav replied him  positively and added that basically he was from Gujarat. The manager further asked him if he felt any difficulty with English. Pranav replied him negatively and added that from his engineering to his masters he had worked on varied fields related to software.
  1. Ayush told his teacher with respect that he was feeling uneasy that day. His teacher told (suggested);him that he had to practise Yoga daily. He told the teacher that he was confused and asked which exercise he should do. The teacher replied him with love that he should practise Surya Namskar.
  1. Shiv asked his sir with respect what they were going to do that day. Shivam proposed to his teacher to do something funny. The teacher ordered all to keep quiet and added that that day they were going to discuss about domestic animals. Shiv exclaimed to him with disgust that that was so boring.
  1. A forest official ordered a woman to leave the spot and added that they were going to cut the tree. She responded him negatively and added firmly that they would not be going away. He exclaimed her with remark that she was talking really foolishly and asked what she found in tree. She replied him that the trees were like their children.
  1. Mandakini asked Sree tensely what had been that. Sree inquired what she said. Mandakini asked about that scratching noise in the kitchen. She asked Sree accusingly if she had remembered to close the back door. Sree agreed with Mandakini and said that that time she had heard too.
  1. Granny told Rusty that it was not that she minded him staying and she did not want any money from him either but it was not healthy for a young man to remain idle for so long. Rusty asked Granny if uncle Ken was a young man. Granny replied Rusty that he was forty and added that every

one said he would improve as he grew up. Rusty suggested Granny that he could go and live with aunt Mabel.

  1. Jill told Aunt Jane that that was the lounge. Aunt Jane was very happy to see that and exclaimed  that it was a little room with pretty furniture.Jack told Aunt Jane that they liked to sit in and listenv to the radiogram. Aunt Jane was surprised and asked if they had got the radiogram, a car and a piano. Jack exclaimed to Aunt Jane that one must have a radio set now a days.
  1. Govinda told his son that they would sit up that night there. The son asked if they had to sit there. Govinda replied positively and added that that would be just the right spot for them to keep watch unnoticed. The son was agreed with him and said that he supposed it was the only way for them.
  1. In a joking mood Jacques asked Pierre if he might have got the gout. Pierre replied uncertainty that it might be possible. Then he argued in his own favour that as one grows old, legs get tired. Jacques suggested to Pierre that he should teach the horse to place the milk bottles at the front door of his customers. Jacques added that he did everything else for him.
  1. Sonia asked Aditya if he had that day’s newspaper. Aditya asked her which paper she wanted, Gujarat or Bhaskar. Sonia answered that she wanted neither of them, she wanted only the Times of India.Aditya responded that he didn’t buy such a newspaper as didn’t offer any gift. She exclaimed with

disgust that he really possessed poor mentality. She also suggested him not to think of you in everything.

  1. Mr. Rogers asked Hogan if he was in trouble of some kind. Hogan replied negatively with stress that it was nothing like that and added with contrast that he had some thing of great importance to talk to him about. Mr. Rogers voice came in confirmation that he would wait for him. Then Hogan

cautioned Mr. Rogers to keep quiet about that.

  1. Tirth congratulated Yatra on her brilliant success at the HSC. Examination. Yatra thanked him and congratulated him also. Tirth asked Yatra what her career plan was for the future. Yatra replied that she wanted to opt for the export business. Tirth exclaimed with pleasure that it was a very exciting

business for the twenty first century.

  1. Manisha requested her father to buy her some new dresses. Her father asked her why she put such a strang proposal as she had got as many as thirty dresses. Manish replied her father that they were all outdated and added that she wanted some new ones. Her father happlily suggested her tobe ready the next day and added that he would take her for shopping.
  1. The doctor wished good morning and asked the patient how his health was that day. The patient replied the doctor that he was feeling well and added that it was improving then. He also asked the doctor when he would get discharge. The doctor exclaimed with surprise that he was really very enger

to get discharge. The patient requested the doctor wallow him to go home then. The doctor agreed and added that he wanted to check him first.

27.Ila asked Raju what he was making. Raju replied that he was trying to make a model aircraft. Ila asked with wonder if he was trying to make a real aeroplane that would fly. Raju replied positively and added that it would have regular wings, wheels, a propeller and a tail. He father said that it would have no fuel tank , would be an eco-friendly plane.

28.Atzel asked the servant if he had any milk, coffee, fresh rolls and butter. The servant replied with respect that he hadn’t and added that in paradise one always ate the same food. Atzel further inquired if it was already day or it was night then. The servant answered that there was neither day nor night

in paradise.

  1. Della asked Madam if she would buy her hair. Madam replied that she bought hair and asked her to take her hat off and let her have a look at it. Down came the beautiful hair. Lifting the beautifulbhair with experienced hand she offered to give twenty dollars. Della asked her to give it to her quickly.

30.I asked the accountant if I could see the manager. The accountant replied without smiling that I could certainly see the manager. I asked the man in his chamber if he was the manager. He politely replied affirmatively and requested me to come in and take my seat. I took my seat and thanked him

  1. The man told him that it was their duty of help the poor. The son asked his father how he would like to help them. The man replied that he would like to help them not by giving alms but by giving them work. The son asked him what work they could give them in the village.

32.The  man told the girl that all that time he had been waiting to take some work from her hands.The girl asked him what kind of work he would like. The man asked her if she would give him we of her pitchers one that she could spare. The girl expressed her astonishment and asked him if he wanted a pitcher to draw water from the torrent.

33.In a weak voice the bearded man requested the king to forgive him. The king replied that he did not know him and had nothing to forgive him for. He again told that he did not know him but he knew him and he admitted that he was that enemy of his who had sworn to revenge himself on him.

  1. The king told the wise man that for the last time he prayed him to answer his questions. The hermit told him that he had already been answered. The king being surprised asked him how he could say they were answered and enquired what he meant. The hermit asked if he did not see.
  1. He asked me what it was. I replied that it was something like a hundred. He told with emphasis that it was one hundred and two. I asked him who said so. He replied that the doctor had said so.

MARCH 2010

36.Lily exclaimed with unhappiness that it was stuffy there and added that she. could not stay there even for a moment. Mr. Patil told her that but they would have to wait there Mr. Bhutt returned .Remembering God she remarked that she would die there. She suggested him that they should go to the garden and wait for him.


  1. Rital exclaimed with praise that the dish was really very delicious. Then she asked her il pragna liked it. Pragna replied positively saying that she liked it certainly and asked Rital who had prepared that for them. Rital replied that her mother had prepared it for them. Pragna suggested to Rital that they

should go and thank Rita’s mother for a nice dish.


  1. Nirmal proposed to Nikita that they should visit the science exhibition, Nikita exclaimed happily that it was a very nice suggestion, and expressed her preparedness that they would surely go. Nirmal thanked Nikita for accepting his proposal. Nikita asked him curiously whether it was worth-visiting. Nirmal

replied confidently that it was certainly worth-visiting.


  1. Jack told Jill with relief that she had gone and expressing his opinion with wonder that she was really a big fariar. Then he told Jill that she had left a bit on account still. He asked her how much it had been. Jill answered jack that it had been ten pounds. Jack whistled and exclaimed with joy that it was really

great and added that they could pay off the next two months on the car with that. Jill doubted that she was afraid they could not do so.


  1. Keyur greeted everybody saying good afternoon. Aatish greeted him with good afternoon and expressed his opining that he thought they were in time and asked keyur’s view about it. Keyur agreed with his opining that they were in time and looking at the long queue he doubted if they would be able

to get tickets. Aatish told him that he was afraid that they might not get them and added that the possibility was very remote.


  1. Daisy asked Chandni if slie had a few minutes to spare. Chandni replied positively that the had a few minutes to spare Daisy noun asked her if she would like to have some tea and added that it was ready. She politely refused and told her that she had it a few minutes before.


  1. I asked him if Mr. Gessler was in He replied negatively and told that they could attend to anything with pleasure and added that they had taken the shop over. Then i told positively and again asked about Mr. Gessler. He exclaimed with sorrow and told that he was dead. I wondered hearing about his death and added that i had received books from him the previous week.

MARCH 2016

  1. I asked Sunil what the matter was. Sunil replied to me that he had got a headache,I  advised him that it will better for him to go to the bed. He refused him negatively addressing him as papa and added that he was fine. I told him to go to the bed and further told him that he would see him  later on.

MARCH 2017

  1. Juhi exclaimed with joy that it was a very nice watch and asked Vedant who had bought it for him. Vedant replied Juhi that his brother had bought it the previous day. Juhi requested Vedant to let her know its price.


  1. Customer exclaimed with hesitation to C.S.R. that she had an error message atready and asked forther what she should do. C.S.R asked customer what the message said. Customers replied that it said “Error 412-PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS”. Customer also asked C.S.R. what that meant.


  1. Prakash exclaimed with praise/appreciation to Rita that she looked very/really beautiful in that dress and  asked from where she had bought it. Rita replied/answered Prakash/him that she had bought it online. Prakash again/further asked Rita/her howmuch she had paid for it, Rita replied/answered Prakash him that she had paid Rupees 2,000 for it.


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