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English Grammar Class 12 Passive Voice

English Grammar Class 12 Passive Voice


વિદ્યાર્થી મિત્રો,

→ તમે  ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં કર્તરી અને કર્મણી પ્રયોગ વિશે શીખી ગયા છો, ધોરણ 9/10/11 માં Active  voice – Passive voice વાળી વાક્ય રચનાનો અભ્યાસ તમે કર્યો છે.

→ મિત્રો આ મુજબ જ તમારે ધોરણ 12 મા આ વાક્ય રચનાનો અભ્યાસ કરવાનો છે. આ વાક્ય રચના એક વિશિષ્ઠ પ્રકારની વાક્ય રચના છે. અંગ્રેજી ભાષામાં કેટલાક વાક્યો passive voice  મા જ ઉપયોગ લેવાય છે.

→ આ પ્રકારની વાક્ય ૨ચના કેવી રીતે બનાવી શકાય તેની સમજુતી, આ વાકય રમના કઈ situactions માં ઉપયોગમાં લેવામાં આવે છે તેમજ Active વાક્યોનું Passive વાક્યોમાં કેવી રીતે રૂપાંતર થઇ શકે તે માહિતી નીચે ઉદાહરણો સાથે દર્શાવવામાં આવી છે.

→  ચાલો મિત્રો આપણે તેનો અભ્યાસ કરીએ અને તે દરેક નીચે આપેલા Exercise ને solve કરી, અંગ્રજી ભાષાની આ એક મહત્વની વાક્ય રચના ઉપર પ્રભુત્વ મેળવી.

  Situations where to use Passive constructions :

નીચે દર્શાવવામાં આવેલ situations માં Passive Construction નો ઉપયોગ થાય છે.

(જ્યારે કર્તા કરતા  ‘action’ વધારે મહત્વની હોય ત્યારે)

Examples: 1. A big fund is raised for welfare activity.

  1. The winners are awarded with gold coins.

Examples : 1. Twenty terrorists were killed in J&K.

  1. The result will be declared soon.

Examples: 1. This window glass was broken yesterday.

  1. The main door was opened last night.


  1. The liquid is heated to boiling point.
  2. Bananas are exported to Europe.
  3. Payment can be made at any post office.


  1. A card paper is folded from right side to prepare a paper bag.
  2. Sugar is added to prepare milk shake.

How to change voice / Render into passive.

 Active voice વાળી વાક્ય રચના ને Passive voice વાક્ય રચનામાં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે કેટલાક ફેરફાર થાય છે. નીચેના ઉદાહરણોનો અભ્યાસ કરવાથી તે સરળતાથી સમજી શકાશે.

  1. Graham Bell invented the telephone. (A.V)

Telephone was invented by Graham Bell. (P.V)

  1. The crowd threw stones. (AV)

Stones are thrown by the crowd. (P.V)

  1. The manager must sign the cheque. (AV)

The cheque must be signed by the manager. (P.V)

  1. They clean the streets every day.(A.V)

The streets are cleaned by them every day. (P.V)

(by them લખવું જરૂરી નથી.)

People use this footpath all the time.(A.V)

This footpath is used all the time. (P.V)


  ઉપર દર્શાવવામાં આવેલા વાક્યોનો અભ્યાસ કર્યા બાદ સમજી શકાય કે

Active voice  નુંPassive voice માં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.

Active voice

 કર્તા        + ક્રિયાપદ.         + કર્મ

(Doer)             (Active word).     (Receiver)

They submit the assignments

Passive voice

   કર્તા           + ક્રિયાપદ          + કર્મ

(Receiver).         (Action word)       (Doer)

The assignments are submitted by them.

1.Active voice નો કર્તા Passive voice મા કર્મ ને સ્થાને આવે.

Active voice નો કર્મ   Passive voice મા કર્તા ને સ્થાને આવે.

  1. ક્રિયાપદના રૂપ માં ફેરફાર Tenses (કાળ) મુજબ તેમજ કરતા એ.વ. બ.વ. ને ધ્યાનમાં રાખીને કરવામાં આ‍વે છે.

Examples : (1) I am writing letters.

                    Letters are being written by me.

                  (2) I write a letter.

                   A letter is written by me.

  1. જ્યારે કર્તા કર્મ બને ત્યારે તે કર્મ સાથે preposition ‘by’ મુકવામાં આવે છે. (not always) .

5.કર્તા /કર્મ તરીકે personal pronoun આપવામાં આવેલ હોય તો તેમનો ફેરફાર તેમની કર્તા વિભક્તિ તેમજ કર્મ વિભક્તિ ને ધ્યાનમાં રાખી કરવો.

Personal Pronoun

કર્તા વિભક્તિ                             કર્મ વિભક્તિ

   I                                               me

 we                                              us

you                                             you

he                                               him

she                                             her

they                                           them

Example : (1) clean the room.

                    That room was cleaned by me.

                 (2) She invited them here.

                    They were invited here by her.

ચાલો મિત્રો, ઉપરોક્ત માહિતીને આધારે આપણે વિવિધ પ્રકારનાં Tenses તથા અન્ય પ્રકારની વાક્યરચનાં વાળા Active  વાક્યોનું રૂપાંતર કેવી રીતે થાય છે તે જોઈએ.

  1. Simple Present Tense (સાદો વર્તમાન કાળ) :

Simple present tense વાળાં active વાક્યોનું passive વાક્યોમાં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના form માં નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.


Active Voice : subject + ક્રિયાપદ નું મૂળ રૂપ  + object

Passive Voice : subject + am/is are + pp + by + object

                        (object as subject).      (subject us object)

Note :  સાદા વર્તમાન કાળના વાક્યમા નકાર / પ્રશ્નાર્થ વાક્યમાં આવતા do does ને સ્થાને am/ is/are મુકવા.


 1.I clean the room. (A.V)

   The room is cleaned by me (P.V)

  1. She does not read the news paper.

   The news paper is not read by her.

  1. Do you like English language?

Is English language liked by you?

Exercises-1 : Change the voice of following sentences (Simple Present Tense)

  1. Roy likes Walt’s creation.
  1. Nana enjoys Nani’s company.
  1. Do you like magic to change your fate ?

4.Sojourner does not enjoy child hood.

5.Manager signs cheques everyday.

6.Why do you have it?

  1. Radhika does not teach this unit.
  1. Mr. Morris asks a few questions to Mr. White.
  1. Ami takes breakfast in the morning.
  1. Ketan understands your problems.
  1. Who conducts the examination?
  1. Do you like mango juice?
  1. When does she complete her work?
  1. Why do you prefer English?
  1. Where do you place this book?
  1. Simple Past Tense : (સાદો ભૂતકાળ)

Simple past tense વાળા  active વાક્યોનું passive વાક્યોમાં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના  form માં નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.


Active Voice : subject + ક્રિયાપદનું ભૂતકાળનું રૂપ + object

Passive Voice : subject + was/were + p.p + by + object

                   (subject as object).                     (object as subject)

Note : સાદા ભૂતકાળ વાક્યમાં નકાર/ પ્રશ્નાર્થ વાક્યમાં આવતા ‘did’ને સ્થાને was / were  મૂકવા.

Example: 1. I forgot a face. (A.V)

                A face was forgotten by me. (P.V)

  1. Did you forgive him?

                Was he forgiven by you?

  1. How did you submit your task?

                How was your task submitted by you?

Exercises-2 : Change the voice of following sentences. (Simple Past Tense)

  1. The customer did not install love.
  1. When Nani brought Rayta, Nana came.
  1. Mr.White wished for 200 pounds.
  1. The news of Demonetization caused sensation in the whole country.
  1. Walt Disney did not start a new company soon.
  1. Did you finish your task in time?
  1. When did they arrange a party for their welcome?
  1. Why did we bake the bread here?
  1. Arti and Avni started a new company then.
  1. My dishonest servant cheated me.
  1. We did not climb Girnar.

12.Did the police catch the thief?

  1. Did Sheetal buy a grammar book?
  1. What did he say?
  1. Who cleaned this room?
  1. Modal Auxiliary :

   Modal Auxiliaries (Simple Modal)  વાળા active વાક્યોનું passive વાક્યમાં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના from મા નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.


Active : subject + will /can/shall + ક્રિયાપદ નું મૂળરૂપ+ object

Passive : subject + will /can/shall + be + p.p + by + object

              (object as subject)              (subject as object)

Examples : 

  1. I will return the book tomorrow. (AV)

The book will be returned tomorrow by me. (P.V)

  1. Must you call him?

Must he be called by you?

  1. Why can’t she sing a song?

Why can’t a song be sung by her?

Exercises-3: Change the voice of the following sentences. (Modal Auxiliary)

  1. We should grow more trees to control pollution.
  1. Why should we use Solar Energy?
  1. Can any one count the star?

4 The workers may ask for leave.

5.Teacher should teach such lessons to the students.

6.We can write a few lines to remember the answer.

7.Can you defeat the driver ants?

8.How will you select your job?

9.Who can win this quiz?

10.What can be done by you to meet with such challenges?

  1. I shall purchase a new car tomorrow.
  1. We will see a movie.
  1. We cannot accept defeat.
  1. Mansi can speak English fluently.
  1. Will you read ‘Harry Potter’?

4..   Present Continuous Tense and Past Continuous Tense.

Present Continuous Tense and Past Continuous Tense વાળા  active વાક્યોનું passive વાક્યોમાં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના from  મા નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.


Active: Subject + am/is/are/was/were + ક્રિયાપદ નું -ing રૂપ + object

Passive : Subject + am/is/are/was/were + being p.p + by + object.

  (object as subject).                    (subject as object)

Examples : 

  1. Kapila is singing a song now. (AV)

A song is being sung now by Kapila. (PV)

  1. Why were they not cleaning the roads?

Why were roads not being cleaned by them?

  1. Who is writing this poem?

  By whom is this poem being written?

Exercises: 4. Change the voice of the following sentences. (Present / Past Continuous Tenses.

  1. We are cutting down more and more trees.
  1. When Roy met Walt, he was eating bread and bread and butter.
  1. People were exchanging their notes.
  1. Why are you treating him in a different way?

Students were sweeping the room then.

  1. T.K.Dave is teaching us a poem.
  1. Are you counting coins?
  1. When I saw Nana, he was singing bhajans.
  1. Was she typing a letter for her leave, When you called her?
  1. Why is Ami selling her new car?
  1. I am reading a novel at present.
  1. Is he drawing a picture?
  1. They were counting the chairs after finishing the event.
  1. Why are you throwing stones?
  1. Who is singing bhajans at mid night?

5 . Perfect Tense and past perfect Tense

Perfect Tense and past perfect Tense વાળા active વાક્યોનું passive વાક્યોમા રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના from મા નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.


 Active : Subject + have has had + pop + object

Passive : subject + have has had + been + p.p + by + object

  (subject as object).                          (object as subject)


  1. Recently C.M has declared holidays. (A.V)

Holidays have been declared recently by C.M. (PV)

  1. Why have you not submitted your task?

Why has your task not been submitted by you?

  1. Had they selected you before the last month?

Had you been selected by them before the last month?

Exercises-5: Change the voice of the following sentences. (Perfect Present / Perfect past)

  1. More than 10 million people had visited Disneyland in a year.
  1. They have never thought about their victory.

3.Who has taken that torn paper?

  1. Have you seen ‘Oswald the Rabbit’.
  1. The worker has not submitted his leave report.
  1. Pollution has caused much trouble.
  1. Before CID reached there, the police had arrested them.
  1. The ants had cleaned the way before we reached there.

9.Have you seen the Red Fort?

  1. How has Sanju made such mischief?
  1. My father had given his property to us before he went U.S.A.
  1. He asked me if I had cleaned the room.
  1. Have you seen this movie?
  1. Has anybody seen Mr.India?
  1. I have just taken permission to go abroad.
  1. Perfect Modal Auxiliary

Perfect Modal Auxiliary વાળા  active વાક્યોનું passive વાક્યોમાં  રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના form માં નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.


Active : Subject + modal, have, p.p + object

Passive : subject + modal, have been p.p + by + object

(object as subject).                     (subject as object)

Examples : 

  1. They might have invited us. (A.V)

We might have been invited by them. (PV)

  1. If the manager had rung the warning bell, the robbers must have been arrested.

If the manager had rung the warning bell the police must have arrested the robbers.

Exercises-6: Change the voice of the following sentences. (Perfect Modal Auxiliary)

  1. If Walt had got job, he might not have created Disneyland.
  1. You could have listened to his advice.
  1. Dear, you should have installed love before you marry.
  1. UNO will have declared India super power by 2020.

5.If we had taken Nana to her Funeral, he could have seen Nani last time.

6.You should have submitted your work.

7.Shima could have hired a taxi.

8.If you had told me, I would have helped you.

9.Sita will have passed H.S.C by next June.

  1. I think I should have joined IELTS classes.
  1. Perfect Participle

Perfect Participle વાળા active વાકયોનૂ  passive વાક્યોમાં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના from   મા નીચે મુજબ ફેરફાર થાય.


Active : Having + p.p

Passive : Having + been + p.p


  1. Having finished the work, I went out.(A.V)

The work having been finished, I went out. (PV)

Exercises-7 : Change the voice of the following sentences. (Perfect Participle)

  1. Having signed an agreement, Walt Disney started his work.
  1. Having cancelled the cheque, the manager called me.
  1. Having recognized Mr.Morris, Mr. White stood up to welcome him.

4.Having seen the dead insect, Ants carried them to their nest.

5.Rohit, having consulted Dr.kambli, took a sign of relief.

6.Sila, having passed H.S.C, she joined college.

7.Having opened a new bank account, I now apply for loan.

  1. Having received your message, I informed him.

9.Having selected him as a captain, we called a press conference.

  1. Having cooked ‘kheer’, Mata called me.
  1.   Infinitive / Imperative Sentences.

Infinitive / Imperative Sentences વાળા  active વાક્યોનું passive વાક્યોમાં રૂપાંતર કરવા માટે તેના form નીચે મુજબ થાય.



Active : To +  મૂળરૂપ ક્રિયાપદ

Passive : To + be + p.p


Active: આજ્ઞાથૅ  ક્રિયાપદ+કર્મ

Passive : Let +કર્મ  + be + p.p

Example :

  1. I like to see a movie.(A.V)

I like a movie to be seen. (P.V)

  1. He is to help the poor.

The poor is to be helped by him.

  1. Take medicine regulary.(Imperative AV)

Let medicine be taken regularly. (Imperative PV)

Exercises-8: Change the voice of the following sentences. (Infinitive/ Imperative)

  1. This song is too difficult for me to sing.
  1. This bungalow is good enough for her to buy.

3.The students have to install such applications.

  1. Walt was to create new ideas.
  1. I am to finish this task.
  1. I have to invite my friend here.
  1. Sima is to sing a song.
  1. Help your neighbor on time.
  1. I wish to write his home work.
  1. Sanjana likes to read English books.


Exercises-1: Render into passive.

  1. I saw him reading a book.

Our PM declared the news of Demonetization.

  1. Did you deposit your old notes last week?

4 Why are they celebrating victory?

  1. Who can defeat Sultan?
  1. What has caused Malaria?
  1. How many boys are singing this poem?
  1. This message is too long for me to read.
  1. Krishna has invited Sanjana on his birthday.
  1. The group of boys will have completed this task.
  1. People should consume electric light as little as possible.
  1. Why did Walt not continue the old TV show?
  1. More than 10 million people have seen Mickey mouse within a year.
  1. People of India celebrate festivals, more.
  1. Having got his message, Ravina informed Akshay.
  1. I got him to clean this room.
  1. Has she broadcast this news on Radio?
  1. When will this T.V serial be started?
  1. Roy Disney and Walt Disney created a history.
  1. When I called the doctor, Nana was sweeping the room.
  1. Marvel published the Functional English Grammar.
  1. He is to leave Delhi in two days.
  1. What is he doing here?
  1. Arti is preparing kheer for you.
  1. The teacher is asking us questions.
  1. What news had been telecast before last night?
  1. The Prime Minister awarded the soldiers.
  1. Why is he writing reports?
  1. Who are singing songs?
  1. Who has built a new house?

 Exercise-2: Mixed contextual exercise. (Render into passive voice.)

  1. I can do that. I can install love. What do I do first?
  1. What programmes are you running now? Stop some programmes as I suggest.
  1. Don’t worry. Love will erase PASTHURT.EXE from your current operating system. It will no longer disrupt other programmes.
  1. I don’t know how to tum off them. Can you tell me how? I request you for such help.
  1. My Heart is filling up new files automatically. They erase some faulty programmes. Yes, you need to delete SELFCRITIC.EXE from all directories.

6.Install solar heater, solar roots and solar lanterns in every

Install solar leaters, in every household. Use minimum papers to save trees. Consume oil as little as possible.

7.Some people betray us. Will you trust such people? Why are you wasting your life after this people?”

8.”They have set all systems. They had decided war before you thought. They imposed it on you.

9.I mink, they are ill-treating workers. They don’t fulfill their enough needs. They only use them.

  1. Mr. White and his son, Herbert, were playing chess in their small living room. They were expecting a guest named Sergeant Morris. When he came Mr. White welcomed him and offered him drink.
  1. I would like to complete my work in time. I liked India. I saw all holy temples of India ” said Mr. Morris.
  1. During civil war. Truth bought gifts for the soldiers. She also helped fugitive slaves. She also found work and houses.
  1. People troubled me. They sold me. My masters beat me.
  1. My brother Walt is no more yet, he influenced all of us, his studio, his nature, films, his cartoons, and movies made him known around the world.
  1. My brother Walt is no more yet, he influenced all of us, his studio, his nature, films, his cartoons and movies made him known around the world.
  1. Headache gives a sufferer a touch of importance. It helps a sufferer to remain far from work you can use this word in any critical situation.
  1. The report says about five thieves killed the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper had already sent an application to the police station. The police must take action in time.

17.Having completed the work, Saniya left the office. As soon as she reached the home, she was welcomed by the guests. Their presence surprised her because she had not thought so.

  1. If the exam had been conducted by the board, the results would have been different. The students take a sign of relief. Most of them have passed 11th  science with good score.
  1. Interviewer: Have you completed the training programme?

Candidate: Yes, absolutely. I have finished six months in service training program conducted by GCERT.

Interviewer: Let’s see the result of your written test.

  1. Look there! The children are playing hide and seek. That old lady is chanting bhajans and school boys are writing assignments.
  1. The students used the computer lab. The teacher got them to write an application through it,But they did not. Write in unapplication.
  1. Raju has given me a coin. He found it from the way. I have never seen such an old coin in my life.
  1. Krishna was playing throw ball. I was watching his game. I saw him throwing a ball very fast.
  1. Before you came, I had finished my work. Actually I have already completed it in time.But you thought that I must not have done it.
  1. We visited the Lions Hospital. We examined many patients. Th
  1. We visited the Lions Hospital. We examined many patients. They were given enough treatment by residential doctors.
  1. Having visited Agra once, Arti did not wish to see it again. She has not seen Kashmir so she requested us to go there.
  1. The manager asked me to fill the form. I have already filled it up. But I made mistakes in it. He gave me another form.
  1. Garba is a popular folk dance of Gujarat. We play Garba during Navaratri. We wear traditional dresses. It is celebrated with joy.
  1. Pranav invented a watch. We can send message through it. It works like a computer. We receive e-mail on it.
  1. We have to read detective stories. Our teacher has given us this task. It gives us hints to solve puzzle in routine life.
  1. Mahila Mangal Dal started protest against laws of forest. They did not allow forest officers to cut the trees for so called development. They collected funds for it.
  1. Having got the suggestions, the customer started to install love. When he was installing love, he made a few mistakes. He was warned against probable disturbance.
  1. You must have received a message. It will reinstall love automatically. Do you see this message?
  1. The distributor has copyrighted Oswald. He is taking over the series, but we haven’t got a deal.
  1. Walt valued the opinions of all of us. But the final judgment was taken unquestionably by him. Having viewed a new cartoon once he called a group of us to discuss about it.
  1. Having consulted the doctor, I came to my home. The doctor advised me to live peaceful life. He asked me to take deep breaths.
  1. When I called Nana, he came. He has forgotten my questions. He was searching Nani’s sari in his room.
  1. Nana said to me How has Nani treated me for last many years? I don’t need her help now. She always keeps her things up to date.
  1. I was listing to Nana. Nana has already asked many questions. Nani had to follow all his orders.
  1. Dr Kamble invited me. He gave me a peg of whiskey. He said to me, ‘how did Nana call you?”

     March 2018

[1]We disliked drill hours. On the drill ground we had used excuse of headache many times. So when PT. teacher came, we were pressing our heads.

    March 2019

[2]  Mr. Joseph was a principal in a primary school. The school was in Anand District. He was pious, kind and helpful. Many students and parents appreciated him for his work.


Ans. Exercise-1

1.Walt’s creation is liked by Roy.

2.Nani’s company is enjoyed by Nana.

3.Is magic liked by you to change your fate?

4.Childhood is not enjoyed by Sojourner.

5.Cheques are signed by manager every day.

6 Why is it had by you?

  1. This unit is not taught by Radhika.
  1. A few questions are asked by Mr.morris to Mr.white.
  1. Breakfast is taken in the morning by Ami.
  1. Your problems are understood by Ketan.
  1. By whom is the examination conducted?
  1. Is mango juice liked by you?
  1. When is her work completed by her?
  1. Why is English preferred by you?
  1. Where is this book placed by you?

Ans. Exercise-2 :

  1. Love was not installed by the customer.

2.When Rayta was brought by Nani, Nana came.

3.200 pounds were wished for by Mr. White.

4.Sensation was caused by the news of demonetization in the whole country.

5.A new company was not started soon by Walt Disney.

  1. Was your task finished in time by you?

7.When was a party arranged for their welcome?

8.Why was the bread baked here by us?

9.A new company was started then by Arati and Avani.

  1. I was cheated by my dishonest servant.
  1. Girnar was not climbed by us.
  1. Was the thief caught by the police?
  1. Was a grammar book bought by Sheetal?
  1. What was said by him?
  1. By whom was this room cleaned?

Ans. Exercise-3 :

  1. More trees should be grown to control pollution by us.
  1. Why should solar Energy be used?
  1. Can the star be counted by anyone?
  1. Leave may be asked for by the workers.
  1. Such lessons should be taught to students by the teachers.
  1. A few lines can be written by us to remember the answer.
  1. Can the driver ants be defeated by you?
  1. How will your job be selected by you?
  1. By whom can this quiz be won?
  1. English can be spoken fluently by Mansi.
  1. Will ‘Harry Potter’ be read by you?
  1. Should the law be obeyed by you?
  1. May this be taken by me?
  1. Why should your book be returned by me?
  1. By whom will this assignment be done?

Ans. Exercise-4 :

  1. More and more trees are being cut down by us.
  1. When Roy met Walt, bread and butter was being eaten by him.

3.Their notes were being exchanged by people.

4.Why is he being treated in a different way?

  1. The room was being swept then by the students.

6.A poem is being taught by T.K.Dave.

  1. Are coins being counted by you?
  1. When I saw Nana, bhajans were being sung by him.
  1. When you called her, was a letter for her leave being typed by her?
  1. Why is a new car being sold by Ami?
  1. A novel is not being read at present by me.
  1. Is a picture being drawn by him?
  1. After finishing the event, the chairs were being counted by them.
  1. Why are stones being thrown by you?
  1. By whom are bhajans being sung at mid-night?

Ans. Exercise-5 :

  1. Disney land had been visited in a year by more than 10 million people.
  1. Their victory has never been thought about by them.
  1. By whom has that torn paper been taken?

4.Has ‘Oswald the Rabbit been seen by you?

5.His leave report has not been submitted by the worker.

  1. Much trouble has been caused by pollution
  1. Before CID reached there, they had been ane by the police.
  1. The way had been cleaned by the ants before  we reached there.
  1. Has the red fort been seen by you?
  1. How has such mischief been made by Sanju?
  1. We had been given property by my father before he went U.S.A.
  1. He asked me if the room had been cleaned by me.
  1. Has this movie been seen by you?
  1. Has Mr. India been seen by anybody?
  1. Permission has just been taken by me to me to go abroad.

Ans. Exercise-6 :

1.If Walt has got job, Disneyland might not have been created by him.

  1. His advice could have been listened to by you.

3.Dear, love should have been installed by you before you marry.

4.India will have been declared super power by UNO by 2020.

5.If we had taken Nana to her funeral, Nani have been seen last time by Nana.

6.Your work should have been submitted by you.

  1. A taxi could have been hired by Shima.
  1. If you had told me, you would have been helped by me.
  1. H.S.C will have been passed by next June, by Sita.
  1. I think, IELTS classes should have been joined by Ami.

Ans. Exercise-7 :

  1. An agreement having been signed, Walt Disney started his work.
  1. The cheque having been cancelled, the manager called me.
  1. Mr.morris having been recognized, Mr.white stood up to welcome him.
  1. The dead insect having been seen, Ants carried them to their nest.
  1. Dr. Kambli having been consulted by Rohit, he took a sign of relief.

6.H.S.C having been passed, Shila joined college. 

7.A new bank account having been opened, I now apply for loan.

8.Your message having been received, I informed him.

9.He having been selected as a captain, we called a press conference.

10.”Khir’ having been cooked, Maa called me.

Ans. Exercise-8 :

1.This song is too difficult to be sung for me.

2.This bungalow is good enough to be bought for her.

  1. Such applications have to be installed by the students.
  1. New ideas were to be created by Walt.
  1. This task is to be finished by me.
  1. My friend has to be invited here by me.
  1. A song is to be sung by Sima.
  1. Let your neighbour be helped on time.
  1. I wish his home work to be written.
  1. Sanjana likes English books to be read.


Exercise-1 : Mixed Exercises

1.I saw  a book being read by him. OR He was seen reading a book.

2.The news of demonetization was declared by our PM.

3.Were your old notes deposited last week by you?


4.Why is victory being celebrated by them?

5.By whom can Sultan be defeated?

  1. By what has Malaria been caused?

7.By how many boys is this poem being sung?

8.This message is too long to be read for me.

9.Sanjana has been invited by Krishna on his birthday.

10.This task will have been completed by the group of boys.

11.electric light should be consumed as little as possible.

  1. why was old TV show not continued  by Walt?
  1. Mickey Mouse has been seen by more than 10 million people within a year.

14.Festivals are celebrated more by people of India.

  1. His message having been got, Rabindra informed


  1. I got the room cleaned by him.
  1. Has this news been broadcast on Radio?
  1. When will you start this TV serial?
  1. A history was created by Roy Disney and Walt


  1. When I called the doctor, the room was being swept by Nana.
  1. The Functional English Grammar was published by Marvel.
  1. Delhi is to be left by him in two days.
  1. What is being done here by him?
  1. Khir is being prepared for you, by Arti. OR Questions are being asked to us.
  1. We are being asked questions by the teacher.
  1. What news had they telecast before last night?
  1. The soldiers were rewarded by the Prime Minister.
  1. Why are reports being written by him.
  1. By whom are songs being sung?
  1. By whom has a new house been built?

Ans. Exercise-2 : Mixed Contextual Exercises

  1. That can be done by me. Love can be installed by me. What is done first by me?”

2.What Programmes are being run now by you? You are suggested to stop some programmes.

  1. You are requested not to worry. PASTHURT.EXE will be erased from your current operating system by love. Other programmes will no longer be disrupted by it.

4.How to turn them off is not known by me. Can I be told how by you? You are requested for such help.

5.New files are being filled up automatically by my heart.Some faulty programmes are erased by them. Yes, SELFCRICTIC.EXE need to be deleted from all directories.

6.You are requested to install solar heater, solar roots and solar lanterns in every household. You are requested to use minimum papers to save trees. Let oil be consumed as little as possible.

7.We are betrayed by some people. Will such people be trusted by you? Why is your life being wasted after these people?”

8.”All systems have been set by them. War hadbeen decided by them before you thought. It was imposed on you by them.”

9.I think workers are being ill treated by them. Their enough needs are not fulfilled by them. They are only be used by them.

  1. Chess was being played by Mr. White and his son, Herbert in their small living room. A guest named Sergeant Morris was being expected by them. When he came, he was welcomed andoffered a drink by Mr White.
  1. “I like my work to be completed in time. India was liked by me. All holy temples were seen by me”, said Mr. Morris.
  1. During civil war, gifts were brought for the soldiers by Truth. Fugitive slaves were helped by her. Work and houses were also found by her.
  1. I was troubled by people. I was sold by them. I was beaten by my masters.
  1. My brother is no more yet all of us are influenced by his films, his cartoons and movies.
  1. A sufferer is given a touch of importance by Headache. A sufferer is helped to remain far from a work. This word can be used in any critical situation.
  1. The report says that the shopkeeper was killed by about five thieves. An application had already been sent to the police station by the shopkeeper. Actions must be taken in time by the police.
  1. The work having been completed, Saniya left the office. As soon as she reached the home, the guests welcomed her. She was surprised by their presence because she had not thought


  1. If the board has conducted the exam the result would have been different. A sign of relief is taken by the students. 11th science had been passed by most of them with good score.
  1. Interviewer: Has the training programme been completed by you?

Candidate: Yes, absolutely. Six months in service training program conducted by GCERT has been finished.

Interviewer: Let the result of your written test be seen.

  1. You are requested to look there. Hide and seek is being played by children. Bhajans are being chanted by that old lady and assignments are being written by school boys.
  1. The computer lab was used by the students. The teacher got the application written by them through it but they did not write an application.
  1. I have been given a coin by Raju. It has been found from the way by him. Such an old coin has never been seen in my life by me.
  1. Throw ball was being played by Krishna. His game was being watched by me. I saw a ball being thrown very fast by him.
  1. Before you came my work has been finished by me. Actually it has already been completed in time by me but you thought that it must not have been done.
  1. The Lions Hospital was visited by us. Many patients were examined by us. The residential doctors gave enough treatments to them.
  1. Agra having been visited once, Arti did not wish to see it again. Kashmir has not been see by her so we were requested to go there by her.
  1. I was asked to fill the form by the manager. It has already been filled up but mistakes were made in it by me. I was given another form by him.
  1. “Garba is popular folk dance of Gujarat. ‘Garba is played during Navaratri. Traditional dresses are worn. We celebrate it with joy.
  1. A watch was invented by Pranav. Message can be sent through it. It works like a computer.E-mail is received on it.
  1. Detective stories have to be read (by us). We  have been given this task by our teacher. We are given hints to solve puzzle in routine life.
  1. Protest was started by Mahila Mangal Dal  against laws of forest. Forest officers were not allowed to cut the trees for so called development. Fund for it was collected by them.
  1. The suggestions having been got the customer  started to install love. When love was being installed, he made a few mistakes. The service provider warned him against probable 


  1. A message must have been received by you. Love will be installed automatically by it. Is this message seen by you?
  1. Oswald’ has been copyrighted by the distributor. The series is being taken over by him. But a deal has not been got by us.

 35.The opinion of all of us were valued by Walt. But he took the final judgment unquestionably. A new cartoon having been viewed once, he called a group of us to discuss about it.

  1. The doctor having been consulted, I came to my home. I was advised by the doctor to live peaceful life. He asked me deep breaths to be taken. OR I was asked to take deep breath.
  1. When Nana was called by me he came. My questions have been forgotten by him. Nani’s sari was being searched in his room by him.
  1. Nana said to me, how have I been treated by Nani for last many years? Her help is not needed by me now. Her things are always kept up to date by her.
  1. Nana was being listened to by me. Many questions have already been asked by Nana. All his orders had to be followed by Nani.
  1. I was invited by Dr Kamble. I was given a peg of whiskey by him. He said to me how were you called by Nana?

[1] Drill hours were disliked by us. On the drill ground excuse of headache had been many times used by us. So when P.T. teacher came, our heads were being pressed by us.

[2]Mr.Joseph was a pious, kind and helpful principal in a primary school in Anand District so many students and parents appreciated him for his

work. OR

Mr.Joseph was a principal in a primary school in Anand District who was pious, kind and helpful so many students and parents appreciated him for his work.

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