English Important Essay For Class 12

Speech Writing English class 12 Important For Board Exam

             1.  Love: A Powerful Feeling.

(Points : Love meaning – love and family – love as a virtue – examples of love]

 Our hearts at their birth serve the purpose of passing oxygen to our blood cells-to pump repeatedly and keep us alive. Their pulse is a rhythm, sometimes captivating, sometimes haphazard when we are scared.

The most fascinating quality of the heart is love. I believe that love is the most powerful force in the world.

It can build a life to the stars but also be fatal if it’s lost. It’s everything all at once-beautiful, gentle, ugly, and brutal. It’s formidable as well as fragile. Love is what drives people and begs for change.

We are surrounded by it since before our birth. We feel it from our mothers, our fathers, and family members. Love remindsus that we are not alone. It’s the act of finding peace with ourselves and the world around us.

   For me, it’s like babies sleeping cosily in their mother’s lap, a beautiful painting painted with the colours of imagination and the very first time a bird opens its wings to fly. Love is the light of hope in the darkest caves of adversity the spark that says ‘yes I can.’

  As love creates indestructible families, build long lasting bonds in relationships, develop inner peace and promotes peace and understanding in the world. Love is the catalyst that bonds all other virtues that make up the content of good character. 

   I personally believe, “Love” is the greatest virtue, it is by far  the greatest gift you can give or receive. commit to loving unconditionally, yourself with all your flaws and imperfections, your family life with all your heart, and learn to love life with a passion.

Love can be defined by many ways: when a sister tells her brother that she eats the hidden chocolates from his bag everyday and brother thinks that he puts it only for her that is love. Love is the leading force of life in the old age. 

 When giving becomes more important than gaining it is love. Love gives hidden strength to accept a person knowing all his vices.

Of all my virtues, love is the most important. Love has become a driving force within me. Love has built me,destroyed me, crippled me, and then healed me. Love is life in four letters. It’s what I have, will always have, and always seek to find in others. Love simply is the most powerful force in the world.

Difficult words :captivating – મનમોહક; haphazard – અસ્તવ્યસ્ત; formidable – મજબૂત; fragile – નાજુક; Cosily-  આરામદાયક ; adversity – પ્રતિકૂળતા ; indestructible – અતૂટ ; bonds – સંબંધ; catalyst – ઉદીપક ; traits- દુર્ગુણ

2. My Favourite Cartoon Character

[ Points : Introduction-  different cartoon characters – your favourite series – characters -Story line of your favourite series – message to children] [March 2018]

    Cartoon characters always attract children. There are many cartoon characters in the world of television like Mickey,Donald duck, Doremon, Henry, Barbie and the most popular of all

Chotta Bheem. This is characterised after the famous character of Bheem from the epic Mahabharata. But all the other characters are fictional and not related to the Mahabharata.

There are many characters in this cartoon series such as Bheem, Chutki, Raju and a monkey named Jaggu. These are the main characters of the series formed a group and enjoy together. My favourite cartoon character is Chhota Bheem. I also like the character of Chutki in Chota Bheem.

She is very cute and beautiful. Chotta Bheem first appeared in Pogo T.V in 2008. Bheem lives in Dholakpur. Dholakpur is ruled by King Indraverma, who likes Bheem very much. Bheem protects the city from many evils like Keechak, Kirmada, Mangal Singh etc.

 Bheem always fights for justice and destroys evil. I like him because he is very strong and powerful. He likes laddoos, especially the ones made by Tun Tun aunty. Tun Tun aunty is Chutki’s mother. She is also round in shape, like her laddoos, Bheem’s other best friends are Jaggu, the monkey and Raju. 

Kalia is always jealous of Bheem but Bheem likes him too. Bheem is so good that he always helps Kalia whenever he falls in trouble, even Kalia doesn’t forget to help Bheem in return when needed. There is also Dholu and Bholu, the identical twins.

In the cartoon series we see Bheem helping everyone in Dholakpur and also the neighbouring kingdom. He made a tree house for his friend Jaggu, the monkey. He fights the dacoits alone and gets back the things that they have looted from the people. All these qualities of Bheem make him my favourite character. 

But as you know Bheem is not a real character, so we should not imitate him fully. We should eat all the food made by our loving mothers and not only laddoos, as too much of laddoos are harmful for our health. After watching Chota Bheem we should come back to our real life and carry out our duties with great responsibility.

There is also moral story in this cartoon series. It gives children the message that even children can fight with the evil and also helps them to be bold. It also teaches that the truth wins at the end.

We as a parents also feel relieved that some morals regarding bravery, friendship, helping nature, troth etc will be casily incorporated with the children without knowing them. At the end we can say that cartoon series are very useful for the development of children.

3. My Grand Parents

[Points: Introduction – Role of grandparents in a child’s life – Imparting values, with love – condition in nuclear families today]

 Most of us have fond memories of spending our childhood days with our grandparents. While some of us have spent our after school times with our grandparents, some had the opportunity to be with them only in the holidays.

Grandparents have magnanimous love for their grandchildren and pamper લાડ  them a lot. This is the time when they are free from other responsibilities and can afford to play their grandchildren and wheedle them with love. 

A grandparent’s presence in a child’s life gives him the human sense that he may have lacked otherwise.

The tales that these elderly people tell at the bed time to their grandchildren helps them learn a lot about life and also develop their interest in social events and activities. Many children learn the social values and also virtues like honesty, kindness, gratitude, faith etc. 

Children who grow up in the solace of their grandparents naturally have more respect for the elderly people.

Grandparents with their kind advice and useful tips give a direction to their life and children developer better insight into their lives in future. Grandparents also make up for the time that parents fail to provide to their children due to busy schedules and pile of responsibilities and duties. 

Many children are crazy about their grandparents and find them a vital part of their everyday routine. Children love the recipes of their maternal or paternal grandmother and express their feelings and get loads of love in form of good food from them. 

 Children bond well with their grandfather who play indoor games with them and also take them for evening stroll or accompany them to the parks or stadiums where they meet up with friends.

With nuclear families becoming popular, many children have to stay away from grandchild and can’t spend every day or their routine with them. Such children wait to see them in vacation when they get their share of love and care from the grandparents.

While the role of grandparents is such indispensable for the children, it is also equally important that they understand the needs and the changing demands of the next generation. 

Really the role of grandparents in the life of any child is unique in the overall development of child.

Difficult Words: magnanimous – ઉદાર ; pamper – લાડ ; wheedle – ખુશામત ; nuclear – વિભાજીત;  indispensable- અનિવાર્ય

                   4.Stress Management

 [Points: What is stress? – it’s effects – signs of stress- how to overcome stress] 

 Stress has  become an inescapable part of today’s world. People are facing stress everywhere whether it is their homes, offices or even while driving on the road. The world has become a very stressful place. In many cases it is because there are genuine reasons for stress and in some cases.

It is because people do not know how to cope with stress. 

Stress is nothing but the incapability of the human mind to cope with the physical and imagined threats that it has to encounter on a daily basis.

Stress can lead to all sorts of mental and physical illnesses. Stress management is the only way by which stress can be coped with. The main signs of stress could be fear, pain, anger, fatigue, emotional arousal, humiliation, frustration, loss of concentration, non-occurrence of an expected event, occurrence of an unexpected event, death/separation of a loved one etc.

Clearly, to enjoy life it is nowadays absolutely vital that all of us develop the following skills that will give us the ability to control our responses to stress.

Here are some important tips for stress management :

  • Do only one thing at a time. This is the simplest and best way to start your day. Focus as much as possible on doing one thing at a time.
  • A hectic schedule is also one of the major causes of stress so simplify your schedule by reducing the number of commitments in your life just to the essential ones and get some room for fun and family.
  • Do some activities like walk, hike, play a sport, go for a run, hit the gym etc. This will give yoy positive energy and physical fitness to fight with stress.
  • Finance is one of the main drains of your energy and source of stress in your life. Spend less by shopping less and find ways to have fun that don’t involve spending money.
  • Be creative in the field you like most. Throwing yourself into a creative activity is a great way to reduce stress.
  • Do time management and be early in work you do in your routine. Things always take much time then expectation so schedule some buffer time to reduce stress and enjoy the work.

Really in this modern world where over 80% people are having some or other problems and that problems lead them to stress we have to be very careful about ourselves and be stress free by applying stress management techniques in our life.

Difficult words : incapability –  અસમર્થતા; fatigue – થાક; arousal –  ઉતેજના; humiliation – અપમાન; occurrence-બનવું  ; separation – જુદાઈ ; commitments – વાયદા, વચનો.

            5.Women Empowerment (સ્ત્રી સશક્તિકરણ )

[Points : Women empowerment meaning – Why women empowerment is important? -its challenges-possible solutions]

 Women Empowerment refers to strengthening the social, economic and educational powers of women. It refers to an environment where there is no gender bias and has equal rights in community, society and workplaces.

Woman empowerment is very important because the population of woman is around 50% of the total population of the world. They have every right to be treated equally with men in every sphere of life and society.

The empowerment of women would result in overall development of society both at micro and macro level. Active participation of women in economic activities and decisions, would contribute towards overall economic development.

But there are many challenges/ barriers regarding women empowerment. Because of the inherent superiority complex among the males, they often don’t allow their female counter-part to rise as high as them. 

There is high level of domestic responsibilities. There are high restrictions to participate in social, economic and religious activities. In our society, the boy-child often gets preference for education and healthy diet over the girl child. Some people prefer male-child over girl and this still exists among many families in the society.

If there is a problem then there always be solutions regarding women empowerment. Education through mass communication is very important. Both women and men should be made aware of their responsibilities to promote and practice gender equality.

We should gather national data and identify the areas where incidents of violence and gender-inequality are the most. This data can be used by the Government, NGOS and field workers to raise the status of women. The society should be made aware that both boy child and girl-child are equal, and they both should have equal access to resources.

Difficult words : strengthening –  મજબૂત કરવું ; bias – ; પૂર્વગ્રહ spheres -ક્ષેત્ર ; barriers – અડચણ; inherent- વારસાગત ; superiority complex – ગુરુતાગ્રંથિ ; domestic -ઘરને લગતી  ; restrictions – પ્રતિબંધ  

6.  Your Favourite T.V .Serial

(Points: name of the serial- variety of characters – their attachment and way of living – humour – messages)

There are many channels and many tv serials and shows. I like the SAB tv the most because it is the only tv channel which shows the family and comedy series the whole day. We can see the serials with whole family and enjoy them.  Of all I like Tarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashmah the most.

In this serial the story is based on a locality named Gokuldham society. Gokuldham Society is a residential society in Mumbai in which six Indian families, respectively headed by Taarak Mehta (from Gujarat), Jethalal Champaklal Gada (from Kutch district, Gujarat), Aatmaram Tukaram Bhide(from Ratnagiri, Maharashtra), Dr. Hansraj Hathi (from Bihar), Sardar Roshan Singh Harjeet Singh Sodhi (from Jalandhar, Punjab and his wife is Parsi) and Krishnan Subramaniam Iyer (from Chennai, Tamil Nadu and wife from Kolkata, West Bengal).

a bachelor Patrakar Popatlal Pandey (from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh) and a teenager Pinku. There are also other individual

characters including Sundarlal (from Ahmedabad, Gujarat). Abdul Reporter Rita Shrivastava, Natwarlal Prabhashankar Undhaiwala, Bageshwar Dadukh Udhaiwala, Bawri Dhondulal Kanpuria. Jethalal also has a crush on Babita.

The members of the society and other characters have a good psychological attachment of love and sympathy for one another that makes them the members of a greater family. They are often seen celebrating festivals and participating in events together. 

 In the episodes of the show, the families are shown to live the lives of typical Indian families. However, the characters, more often than not  Jethalal Gada, get into petty troubles cropping up from daily life activities that intensify in a comical manner, giving rise to laughter among the viewers.

Humour in the show is further heightened by the individual quirks of the characters. Whatever the nature of the problem that a member of the Society encounters, all the other members stand by them to extend every possible help.

In an episode the cessation of the problem that a character faces is usually followed by a moral commentary by  Taarak Mehta, which is meant for all the characters of the show as well as the viewers.

There is always moral message in almost all episodes and in this morally boosted environment the children team named “Tapu Sena” enjoys their childhood and many children can connect themselves with them. That’s why this serial is quite popular among children. Really this is a great series to laugh, to enjoy and get our stress out in this busy and hectic life.

Difficult words : attachment -જોડાણ; quirk – ચાળો, યુક્તિ ; cessation – સમાપ્તી.

                   7.Books our Best Friends

[ Points: usefulness of books –  impact of good books – constant companions – long-lasting pleasures – selection of good books- as friends]

Good books enrich the mind by providing knowledge, by widening the horizons of our imagination,and giving us an insight into different minds. If a man is known by the company he keeps, why should we not, then, keep the best company, that of good books?  Good literature entertains and instructs.

It takes us on a flight of fancy, away from our boring lives, to a place or country we want to visit without having to pay for the passage. Pleasure derived from external things like eating or sports are short-lived but the pleasure that we derive from reading books is everlasting and satisfying.

Even after we have finished reading a book, we continue to think about it and derive pleasure from it.

To derive maximum pleasure from reading we have to gradually pass on from comics, detective novels, magazines and simple storybooks to good literature. Just like friends, the quality of the books that we read also determines the kind of person we are. 

 Good books will enrich our personalities, and it is these kinds of books that we should turn to when we have the leisure. We should aim to read at least ten books every year.

Difficult words : Horizons – ક્ષિતિજો; Enrich -સમૃદ્ધ કરવું; Derive – મેળવવુ ; Determine – નક્કી કરવું.

8.   My Ambition in Life OR What would like to be

[ Points : what is an ambition?- your ambition – ambition and its objectives one’s passion] 

Life without ambition is like a vehicle without steering.

Everybody must have some ambition in life. A person must know his goal, and what career he would like to follow when he grows up. Once the goal is decided, then the person can work hard to achieve it.

From my childhood I have wanted to be a doctor. I am always much concerned when my friends fall sick, and I feel like looking after them. Daddy is a business man and would like me to be one. But I have told him quite plainly that I shall be a doctor. 

Daddy has no choice but to accept my decision. Now he wishes me all success, and hopes that I achieve my ambition.

After I get my medical degree I shall set up a dispensary in my village. There are no good doctors there. Many people die due to lack of medical facilities. I would like to provide medical aid to these unfortunate villagers.

Making money shall not be my aim. I shall never turn away a patient who cannot afford my fees. I shall be gentle and considerate with my patients. I shall visit the homes of the villagers to make sure that they are taking proper care of their health.

I am sure, with determination and devotion; I will be able to fulfill my ambition.

Difficult words : concerned – ચિંતિત ; plainly – સ્પષ્ટપણે; dispensary – દવાખાનુ; afford- પરવડવું.

 9. Trees – Our Best Friends

[Points: importance of trees – usefulness – felling of trees and its dangers – tree plantation- future generation]

“Trees are like saints -We throw stones, they give us fruits”.

It is true that trees are a great boon to mankind.They are quite connected with human life. without trees we can’t imagine human life.it is said that,“ A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Trees are our true and best friends. They are very useful to us in many ways. They keep the environment clean and beautiful. They take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. They also keep the temperature down and soil fertile. 

Trees are our natural wealth so we must not cut them down.

We should not let anyone cut down a tree. If we cut down trees, our life will be in danger. Without trees, the soil is washed away and the land loses its fertility. There isn’t enough rainfall so the rivers will dry up. The deserts are expanding and birds and animals are dying.

Trees give us fruits, vegetables, flowers, gum, rubber,medicine etc. They also give us wood for fuel; paper is also made from the trees. Timber is also used to build houses and make furniture. Trees also give food and shelter for birds and animals. Thus, we must understand the value of the trees.

It is good matter that the government has realized the importance of trees. So a tree plantation programme known as “Van Mahotsav”  is held every year. We must not forget the wise saying.

“ Save the trees and the trees will save you.”

Difficult words : mankind – માનવજાત; fertile – ફળદ્રુપ; shelter – આશરો; realize – સમજાવું.

            10.Superstitions [March 2018]

[Points : meaning- its existence- science and superstitions- diffent- superstitions] 

We all are Very familiar with this “superstitions”. It is also known by some other names like “belief”, fantasy’, ‘rumour’, and so on. It is completely beyond or any logic. The science bluntly disapproves them. There are so many superstitions which have been with us since the beginning. 

They are different to the different people. We may be familiar with such superstitions. People act in some certain ways and try to come out from them.

As we know the superstitions exist with us. Some of them are as under. There are the superstitions about the birds, the animals, the colors, the God, the festivals and so on. There is a strange superstitions about the black cat. In India people consider it as a bad luck. While in the parts of America people take it for granted as a good luck.

Yet there is a superstition about the triangle. It is believed that if a person breaks the triangle by passing under it, it brings him a bad luck. There is the superstition about number 13. In the U.S.A. People believe this number to be very unlucky and therefore most of the buildings and offices do not have the floor number 13. 

After twelve they give the number fourteen. Moreover there is the superstition about the green color. Any actor or actress does not use it while performing for the first time on the stage or in drama or in a movie. Mostly they put on or use saffron or red color for a good beginning.

There is a superstition about the dog’s cry. It is believed in India that if a dog cries nearby someone’s residence it means it shows the signs of death of someone. There is also another superstition about the bird albatross. The sailors used to believe that if such a bird flies over their ship it may bring ill-luck. Above mentioned superstitions and other superstitions have no logic nor the truth yet they cling to us.

The science denies them completely but we, the people are habituated to them and in one or the other way we believe that by acting in certain ways. We can’t escape from them though we wish or try. Gradually they are expanding rather than avoiding.

Difficult Words: Disapprove -અસ્વીકાર કરવો; Logic – તર્કશક્તિ; Habituated to – ની ટેવ હોવી .

                11.Helen Keller [March 2019|

[Points : birth date : June 27,1880 – birth place: Wesst Tuscumbia, Alabama – early childhood and illness – formal education- first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree- writings – death : June 1, 1968 – posthumous honours]

Helen was a very bright and successful woman. Although Helen Keller was both blind and deaf but she was able to unlock herself to the world outside her darkness. Helen Keller who was both blind and deaf at the age of 19 months old became a role model for millions of people all around the world. 

She was born on June 27,1880. She was an American author, political activist and lecturer.Her father’s name was Arthur H. Keller. He was a captain, a former officer of the Confederate Army.

 Her mother was Kate Adams Keller. The Keller family originated from Switzerland. Helen contracted an illness when she was nineteen months old. It was an acute congestion of the stomach and brain which could have been scarlet fever or meningitis.

She did not suffer long from this illness but it  left her deaf and blind. Helen staärted communicating through signs with her family. In 1886,she  was taken to Dr. J. Julian Chisolm who was an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist for advice who further sent them to Alexander Graham Bell who was working with the deaf children at that .

Bell advised them to contact the Perkins Institute for the Blind. On reaching there, the school’s director put Helen under the charge of their former student Anne Sullivan who herself was visually impaired.

Anne Sullivan began to teach Helen to communicate by spelling words into her hands which Helen quickly leamt. In 1894, they both moved to New York to attend Wright-Humason School for the Deaf and Horace Mann School for the Deaf. In 1900, Helen gained admission in Radcliffe College.

At the age of 24, in 1904, she graduated from the same college and became the first deaf-blind person to cam a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Anne Sullivan stayed as a companion for 20 long years with Helen but after marriage her health started failing and Polly Thompson was hired to keep house.

Polly was a young woman from Scotland who had no experience with deaf or blind people but she became a constant companion to Keller. Anne died in 1936 and Helen moved to Connecticut with Polly. Both travelled worldwide and raised funding for the blind. 

Polly suffered a stroke and died in 1960. After her death Winnie Corbally remained Keller’s companion for the rest of her life.Keller became a world famous speaker and author. She is still remembered as an advocate for people with disabilities and numerous other causes.

In 1915 ,she founded the HKI- Helen Keller Institutional organization which is devoted to research in vision, health and nutrition.Helen travelled to more than 39 countries and bacame a favourite of the Japanese.  In 1912, she joined the IWW-Industrial Workers of the World.

Helen wrote several pieces of writing. The earliest was the Frost King (1891). She published her auto biography, The Story of My Life (1903), The World I Live In (1980), Out of the Dark (1913)and My Religion (1927). She wrote 12 published books. On September 14, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom one of the highest civilian honour the United States. 

She devoted much of her later life to raising funds for the American Foundation for the Blind. Helen left this world on June 1,1968 at her home in Connecticut. Her life has always been a source of inspiration to many. 

She became the subject of many movies and TV serials. She was listed in the Gallup’s Most Widely Admired People in 1999 and her statue was unveiled in 2009 at the United States Capital Building. Her life-story is unusual as well as inspiring.


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